Work in Progress: Young Scholars’ Workshop in English

9月19日に慶應義塾大学・日吉キャンパスの来往舎の2階会議室で英語セミナーを開催いたします。文学部の学部3年生から、ポスドクや准教授や教授などの作り出す Young Scholars' Workshop in English です。終了後は、キャンパスの Hub というイギリス風のパブでビールを飲んだりフィッシュ・アンド・チップスなどを食べたりいたします。こちらの時間は2時間くらいまで。ぜひいらしてくださいませ! 日吉キャンパスは日吉駅が分かれば目の前にあります。




Work in Progress: Young Scholars’ Workshop in English


Date: Wednesday, 19 September, 2018

Time: 9:00-17:05

Location: Keio University, Hiyoshi 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 来往舎2階会議室


Part I:

9:00-9:50 Yuto Kano (Undergraduate Student, Keio University Faculty of Letters)

“Tojisha-ness of Autism in Japan.”


9:55-10:45 Sayaka Mihara (Ph.D. Candidate, Keio University Graduate School of Human Relations)

“Therapeutic Choices for Childhood Illness in a Tokyo Suburb, 1938-1939.”


10:50-11:40 Noriko Oshima (Ph.D. Candidate, English and American Literature, Keio University Graduate School of Letters)

“The Reformation of Human Nature: Plant Breeding and Puritan Reformation In Marvell's Poetry.”


11:45-12:35 Rie Yamada (Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy)

“Psychosomatic Medicine and Eating Disorder as an Intractable Disease in Japan.”


12:35-13:30 Lunch Break


Part II:

13:30-14:20 Motoyuki Goto (JSPS Fellow, Keio University Graduate School of Human Relations)

“Three Functions of Psychiatric Care Beds and the Transition of its Balance in Japan.”


14:25-15:15 Eri Nakamura (JSPS Fellow, Keio University Graduate School of Human Relations)

“Broken Men in the ‘Emperor's Army’: Medical, Social and Individual Recognition of War Neurosis during the Asia-Pacific War.”


15:20-16:10 Akiko Kawasaki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University)

“Illness and Nursing in W. M. Thackeray’s Pendennis.”


16:15-17:05 Akihito Suzuki (Professor of History, School of Economics, Keio University)

“Public Health, Animal Experiments, and Patients of Asymptomatic Typhus in Japan, c.1925-c.1945.”