Ghosn のこと

Going, Ghosn? Nissan-Renault

Carlos Ghosn’s standing after rescuing Nissan from bankruptcy in 1999 was such that the French-Lebanese-Brazilian came seventh in a poll of Japanese asked who should run the country, and became the hero of a manga comic. So his arrest with another executive, after an internal investigation, and the announcement that he would be sacked as chairman, is a rapid fall from grace. Mr Ghosn, who is accused of “misrepresenting” his pay in stock-exchange filings and misusing company assets, is also boss of Renault and of the alliance that ties together the firms along with Mitsubishi. The firms’ boards must now decide whether he can continue. Mr Ghosn created and maintained the alliance, which makes more cars than any other manufacturer in the world, and some observers believed a full merger should replace the cross-shareholdings that hold it together. Mr Ghosn’s travails threaten not only a closer bond but the future of the alliance itself.













日産のカルロス・ゴーン氏の件。昨晩のニュースで知っていましたが、エコノミストエスプレッソを読んでいてGhosn という言葉を見て、誰の事か判断するのに数秒かかったこと。そのうえで、フランス、レバノン、ブラジル、そして日本の国をまたがって活躍してきた人物なのかも何のことかしばらく時間がかかったこと。うううむ(笑)