
Rimke, Heidi and Alan Hunt, “From Sinners to Degenerates: the Medicalization of Morality in the 19th Century”, History of the Human Sciences, 15(2002), 59-88.

The article makes its key argument by demonstrating the way in which such dissimilar trajectories came together towards the end of the century in the 'moral hygiene' movement, mobilizing discourses of 'degeneration' (and 'feeblemindedness') with the projects promoting sexual purity. 59.

This article traces one significant transition, that from governance organized around moral codes deriving their authority from religious doctrine to a distinctive medicalization of moral rule that occurred in western societies in the middle of the 19th century. 60

At a time when one might expect to find the culmination of the displacement of religion by the medical and, in particular, the psychological sciences, by the end of the 19th century, an alliance had developed between moral codes rooted in the Christian tradition and the “new” medical and psychological discourses. 61

William Clouston: “The highest aim of mental hygience should be to increase the powers of mental inhibition amongst all men and women. Control is the basis of all law and the cement of every social system among men and women, without which it would go into pieces. 64

Moreau de Tours: Physicians do not intend to exculpate the miserable beings addicted to the vase vice; we would have them to be considered not as true malefactors, but as diseased persons. 65

Diagnoses of moral insanity occupied a continuum of severity wherein the mildest cases were identified as exhibiting eccentricity. Other variants consisted of “simple vicsiousness to those extreme manifestations which pass far beyond the bounds of what anyone would call vice. (Maudsley). Moral insanity affected the “innermost nucleus of the individuality in its emotional, ethical, and moral relations. (Kraft-Ebing) 72

The clearest notion we can form of degeneracy is to regard it as a morbid deviation from an original type. This deviation, even if, at the outset, it was ever so slight contained transimissible elements of such a nature that anyone bearing in him the germs becomes more and more incapable of fulfilling his functions in the world; and mental progress finds itself menaced also in his discendants. Nordau. 74

The doctrine of moral insanity arose from an attempt to reconcile theological concerns to sustain the notion of the corrupt and immaterial soul with a burgeoning medical science. 79