雑誌 Geneが、Historical Medical Genetics II という特集号を組みます。遺伝性疾患の歴史について研究をお持ちの方はぜひ!
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Gene: Historical Medical Genetics II
The history surrounding genetic disorders will always be of interest to
both the medical community and the general public. It is important to
appreciate how clinical discoveries were first made and reported, as this
may provide insight into our current understanding of various diseases and
conditions. Furthermore, descriptions of well-known individuals possibly
affected by a disease may elucidate the medical basis for any
characteristic features that they exhibited. Articles should therefore
appeal to both a general medical and non-medical audience.
For this special issue, we invite submissions that deal with exciting
reports regarding genetic and non-infectious diseases. Topics include (but
are not limited to) the following:
(1) Cases of genetic diseases and their occurrences amongst well known
individuals or in literature and the arts
(2) Early descriptions of genetic disorders, including presentation of
index cases
(3) History of genetic diseases, including reviews of early scientific
Submission guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts, short communications
or review papers for publication in a GENE.
Please refer to the journal's Guide for Authors for specific advice on how
to prepare a paper. Papers must be submitted electronically via the
Elsevier Editorial System (EES) site for the Journal -
http://ees.elsevier.com/gene as indicated in the timelines (select SI
Historical Medical Genetics II). Closing date for submissions is 31st May,
2014. Any inquiries regarding the content of papers should be submitted to
Dr. Christopher Murgatroyd
Deadline for paper submission: 31st May 2014
End of revision process: 31st July 2014
Publication of the special issue: September 2014