医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.381-383. 「睡眠不足」から「ずきずきする」まで。
This symptom is caused by lack of sleep.
Are you not getting enough sleep?
sleeping pill, sophopills
Do you take sleeping pills regularly?
If it is just that you cannot sleep, let me prescribe some sleeping pills for you.
kill oneself by taking sleeping pills
Please breathe in deeply.
Please breath in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.
number, count, rate
the number of inpatients
respiratory rate
breathing rate
heart rate
a few, several, some
We cannot do this all at once, so please wait for a few/several days.
a few several people
thousands of people
number, figure, data
Please draw a clock and put in all the numbers and then set the hands at nine fifteen.
That you really worked hard is evident in the actual data of this test result.
zero-three, three-four-five-one, six-two-zero-eight
It is eight o'clock.
It is nine fifteen.
It is nine thirty. It is half nine..
It is nine forty-five. It is quarter to/till ten.
It is three fifty-five. It is five to four.
May the twelfth. the twelfth of May
1965 nineteen sixty-five
2000 the year two thousand
2018 twenty eighteen
room three-twenty-one on the Surgical Ward
38.2°C thirty-eight point two degrees Celsius
thirteen thousand four hundred and fifty yen
six hundred and seventy-four beds
10,000 ten thousand cases
100,000 a one hundred thousand population
count, reading, numerical value
Your blood sugar count is above normal.
The triglyceride count is high.
Your blood pressure is one hundred and forty-five over ninety.
Your uric acid counts have fallen.
The counts have risen to abnormal levels.
If you chew gum or brush your teeth, your mouth will feel refreshingly cool.
This cold compress contains not only anti-inflammatory painkiller, but menthol as well, so you will feel a cool sensation.
have/eat some soup, drink some soup
thick/thin soup, chicken soup, vegetable soup
Please lower your skirt and show me your abdomen.
judge a person by his/her appearance
a woman with a slender figure
I saw your wife at the hospital shop a little while ago.
Please try to accept your child as he/she is.
Do you like watching sumo?
Which do you prefer bread or rice?
Please sit wherever you like.
It is all right for you to come whenever you like.
Please do not just do as you please.
have an allergy to Japanese ceder pollen
Do you have any food likes and dislikes?
Have you developed a change in food likes and dislikes?
have a throbbing pain in one's head
The wound is throbbing with pain.