そんなことを意識しながら別の仕事をしていたら、occult という医学用語に出会った。もちろん自然哲学や錬金術などの occult の存在は知っている。かなり苦手な概念だが、一度パラケルスス主義に関して章を一つ書いたときに、少しだけわかるようになった。さらに、現在の医学の世界でも occult という用語が使われており、化学や病理のことを考えながら、パラケルスス主義風の概念とかなり近いことを知った。
無症候 (asymptomatic) であり、オカルト (occult) であること。20世紀の始めにはすでに始まり、20世紀の末からはっきりと目立つようになったと思う。
(of a disease or process) not accompanied by readily discernible signs or symptoms.
‘careful palpation sometimes discloses occult spina bifida’
‘The authors conclude that low levels of cholesterol may be potential warning signs of occult disease or rapidly declining health.’
‘The systemic features of both entities can mimic occult infection, malignancy, multiple myeloma and connective tissue disease.’
‘Many organisms can cause febrile occult infection in young children.’
‘It is also possible that some cases of ‘idiopathic’ pneumonia actually represent episodes of occult infection.’
‘What investigations might prove useful as screening tests for occult cancers?’
2.1(of blood) abnormally present, e.g. in faeces, but detectable only chemically or microscopically.
‘When compared with endoscopy, faecal occult blood tests detect < 30% of cancers and < 12% of large adenomas.’
‘A physician could recommend a colonoscopy, fecal occult blood testing, a double-barium enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or a general rectal exam.’
‘The cards were rehydrated before testing, which has been shown to increase the sensitivity of occult blood detection.’
‘Stahnke underwent a fecal occult blood test, a colonoscopy, a computerized tomography scan of her abdomen and a colonic transit study.’
‘The presence of occult blood in the stool may be a sign of neoplasms or esophagitis.’