



Armitage, Doris Mary, Challenge to Neurasthenia (Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1929)

L.S. Barnes’s patient. Barnes learned psychology and treated neurasthenia.

1.That his illness is not due entirely to nerves, but that he really has some organic disease (either physical or mental)
2.That if “nerves”, his failure to recover under costly treatment proves that he is too weak-willed to make the effort necessary for his cure.
3.That he is mad.
4.That no matter which the explanation, there is no help for him.

“Your subconscious mind,” he could say in effect, “has temporally assumed the upper hand and is now ruling you through fear. He has no business to be in this position at all. He is your servant and not your master. Let us, for the sake of argument, put it this way. Your life is temporarily being run by an imposter, who has managed to persuade you that he is stronger than you are. I am here to prove to you that this is not the case; that he is a usurper whose claims to power will bear no intelligent scrutiny.” 22

“You are only a pawn; this is a battle between your subconscious mind and me. Your subconscious mind had never been up against anyone like me before, and he knows he is beaten.” 22-3

It was the Doctor’s experience that all neurasthenics pitied the credulity of others for believing in their particular fears. 43