Entries from 2016-02-01 to 1 month
On 7 March 2016 we will have a workshop in history of medicine at Keio University (Hiyoshi Campus). Seven papers listed below will be presented. The workshop will start around 9.00 at Chukaigishitu, on the 2nd floor of Raiosha in Hiyoshi C…
On 7 March 2016 we will have a workshop in history of medicine at Keio University (Hiyoshi Campus). At present six papers listed below are scheduled, and we might be able to accomodate a futher couple of papers. If you are interested in gi…
Call for PapersMedicine and Modernity in AsiaThe Eighth Meeting of the Asian Society for the History of Medicine Medicine has played a crucial role in constituting modernity. The history of the establishment of modern medicine and the emer…
Amelia Bonea さんの記事。 http://www.english.ox.ac.uk/about-faculty/faculty-members/research-centre-college-staff/bonea-dr-amelia 1890年のルーマニアにおける、結核患者とその治療法についての連載小説。同年に発表されたコッホのツベルクリンの興…