東アジア科学史・技術史・医学史国際学会の開催 2019年8月下旬



The International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (ISHEASTM) will hold ts 15th International Conference 15th ICHEASTM) at Chonbuk National University (CBNU), 
Jeonju, Jeolllabuk-do, Republic of Korea, Aug 19-23, 2019. 

The central theme for the 15th Conference will be “History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Polycentric East Asia: toward Harmony in Diversity (和而不同).”
Chonbuk National University (全北大學校) is located in the historical city of Jeonju, Republic of Korea. As the flagship national university for Jeollabuk-do Province,
it was founded in 1947 by the provincial fund within the framework of the Korean national university system. Today, CBNU has grown to 17 colleges and 14 graduate schools, with approximately 32,000 students and 2,400 professors.
The Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization (KRISTaC) will host the conference. 
KRISTaC has been installed at CBNU in May 2015, with the major mission of commissioning the publication of forty-volume monograph series, "Science and Civilization in Korea (SCK)."
Jeonju is a historic city and a major tourist attraction in southwest Korea. Its history stretches back to the 8th century AD, along with its recognition as the center of traditional Korean 
performing art and the international film festival, Jeonju was visited by more than ten million tourists last year.

As well as academic exchanges, the Organizing Committee is planning to provide with various opportunities for cultural experience.
The Organizing Committee would welcome proposals both for organized panels and individual papers, on the history of science, technology, and medicine in East Asia. 
Applications for non-conventional panels would receive extra consideration.
We encourages you to mark important dates, as suggested below:
  - Panel application deadline: 21 December
  - Individual application deadline: 31 January
  - announcement of acceptance:  28 February
  - online registration opening: 4 March 
The next circular will be sent soon, with more detailed information about the conference web site (http://ichsea2019.org) and the technical details on the electronic submission.
We look forward to meeting you in Jeonju.