Seminar 2021 Spring: Reading Materials

From 6 April, at the University of Tokyo, I will run a seminar for undergraduate and graduate students.  The subject is the history of case history.  We shall examine the changes of medical practitioners' account of the patients from the Ancient cvilisation to the end of the twentieth century.   Reading materials and seminars are in English.  You are expected to write an weekly essay, which will be commented.  Reading materials are as follows: 


Akihito Suzuki: History of the cases

English-English Dictionaries

The three websites and Oxford Thesaurus

Joseph M. Williams, Style
English: Skills for Learning (2018)
Helen Sword, Stylish Academic Writing (2012)
English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing
The Academic Phrasebook
The Only Academic Phrasebook Youʼll Ever Need

Reading Materials

1. Introduction

2. General Picture 1
Gianna Pomata, “The Medical Case Narrative: Distant Reading of an Epistemic Genre”,
Literature and Medicine, Volume 32, Number 1, Spring 2014, 1-23.

3. General Picture 2
Volker Hess and J. Andrews Mendelsohn, “Case and Series: Medical Knowledge and
Paper Technology, 1600-1900”, History of Science, Volume 48, 2010, 287-314.

4. Greek cases
Hippocrates, Hippocratic Writings, edited with introduction by G.E.R. Lloyd (London:
Penguin Books, 1978), 87-112.

5. Medieval cases
Nancy G. Siraisi, Taddeo Alderotti and His Pupils (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University
Press, 1981), 269-302
Dean Putnam Lockwood, Ugo Benzi: Medieval Philosopher and Physician 1376-1439
(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1951)

6. Early Modern cases 1
William Ne:wman, Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature
(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2004), 164-217.

7. Early Modern cases 2
Lauren Kassell, Medicine and Magic in Elizabethan London (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
2005), 125-170.

8. Enlightenment cases 1
Wayne Wild, Medicine-By-Post (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006), 17-60.

9. Enlightenment cases 2
William Cullen Project

10. Nineteenth-Century cases 1
R.T.H. Laennec, A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest (London: T. and G. Underwood,
1821), 1-36.

11. Nineteenth-Century cases 2
Jan Goldstein, Hysteria Complicated by Ecstasy (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University
Press, 2010), 3-17, 128-199.

12. Twentieth-Century cases 1
Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History (London:
Version, 2005), 35-92.

13. Twentieth-Century cases 2
Volker Hess, “A Paper Machine of Clinical Research in the Early Twentieth Century”, Isis,
vol. 109, number 3, 2018, 473-493.

14. TBA 

Move to the University of Tokyo

After twenty-four years of teaching at Keio University, I have just moved to the University of Tokyo to teach history of medicine at the Centre of Medical Humanities at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology. Keio has been immensely helpful, in my colleagues, students, graduate students, and administrative staff. It has also provided an ideal place for academic connections for both national and international graduate students and scholars.

The Centre of Medical Humanities at the University of Tokyo is a multi-disciplinary and international centre. It encourages bioethics in Japan to create international connections with history, philosophy, literature, art, sociology, and many other disciplines in humanities, as well as medicine, nursing, pharmacology, science, technology, and environmental sciences. If you have any interest in studying history of medicine in Japan and connecting the history with other disciplines, please drop me a note. I am looking forward to working with you.









12月5日(土曜日)の午後には、詫摩佳代先生(東京都立大学)のオンラインセミナーがございます。詫摩先生は東京都立大学の法学政治学研究科の教授で「国際保健協力と国際政治」が専門です。このたび、ご著書である『人類と病 ―― 国際政治から見る感染症と健康格差』(中央公論新社)が第42回サントリー学芸賞(政治・経済部門)を受賞されました。おめでとうございます! 


