
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.195-197. 「具合」から「薬」まで。しかし「薬」が長大なエントリーで、全体では4ページほど。そのうち最初の1ページくらいで止めました。明日は「薬」の残りで大晦日になります。

How do you feel today?
How have you been since I last saw you?
Have you ever felt sick/unwell after getting vaccination?
Do you have any concerns about your health?
What does the painfeel like?
You should do it in this way.

What you are saying now seems to be inconsistent with what you said before.
As to your care after you are discharged, you should sort out any differences of opinion that your family members may have.

Gonioscopy is an important eye test used to diagnose glaucoma.

I am going to pump air into your stomach to expand your digestive tract, so hold on without belching.
Shall I open the windows and let in some fresh air.

We do not have any empty beds right now.

have a cavity in the right lung.

cancer found by chance

Do you get a stomachache when you are hungry?
Please take this medication on an empty stomach.

Please fill out/in the blanks.
Please write your name and address in the blanks.

a course of drug therapy
the first course of chemotherapy

Let me put this tourniquet on your arm.

have a bad breath
one’s breath smells
smell alcohol on a person’s breath

The pleural fluid smells bad.
The urine smells like rotten eggs.

fall down and sprain one’s ankle

Do you sneeze a lot?

get rid of roundworms

We will take some prompt measures to deal with your complaints about the noise.
complain about long wait times to see one’s doctor

medicine, tablet, pill, powder, drug
I am going to give you some medication to relieve your symptoms.
I will write you a prescription for your usual medication.
I am going to give you a liquid medication.
You will take two kinds of medicine.
Please pick up your medication at an outside pharmacy.
This medication will help you to fall asleep.
medication to stop nausea
This medication is good for digestion.
In terms of their effectiveness, there is not mich difference between to medications.
This medicine will take effect right away/instantly.