
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.216-218.  「下疳」(げかん)から「結核」まで。昨日は最先端のテクニカルな用語が多く、書き写しも少なくなったのですが、今日は「下剤」「血圧」「血液」「結核」という巨人たちの例文を一生懸命移しました。また、日本語訳をメモしておく細かい単語とその意味も書いておくことにしました。どうせ、すぐ忘れるのですが(笑)
hard sore/ulcer/chancre
sharp pain, intense paint
make a dramatic recovery
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by stress from working hard?
powerful medication, deadly poison
Do you ever pass/notice blood in your stools?
laxative, purgative
Please take a laxative the night before the test.
Please going to give you a laxative to empty your bowels.
put on makeup
Have you recently used a different brand of cosmetics?
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to cosmetics?
pubic lice, crab lice
turn off the light/TV
get rid of eliminate, remove
I am going to take your blood pressure.
Please take your blood pressure at the same time and under the same conditions each day.
your blood pressure is a little high.  It is one hundred and forty-eight over ninety-two.
Your blood pressure has fallen to normal.
Your dizziness is probably caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.
You can bring down your blood pressure by making changes in your diet and daily habits.
blood pressure measuring device/gauge
collect a blood sample from a person.
The phlegm contains blood.
prevent blood clotting/coagulation
facilitate the smooth flow of the blood
What blood type are you?
He has type A blood.
check/examine/determine a person's blood type
You need to have a blood test.
Let's do a blood test
give a patient blood test
have good/bad blood circulation
contact the disease through contaminated blood product
untreated/non-heat-treated blood product
I will explain the results of today's test at your next visit.
This symptom develops as a result of diabetes.
your tests show that everything is normal.
I am afraid this have not turned our as we hoped.
If diet and exercise alone do not produce sufficient results, I will prescribe a medication.
Pulmonary emphysema is considered to be the result of years of smoking.
Smoking affects the outcome of surgery negatively, so please stop smoking.
Have you ever been exposed to anyone with tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in your phlegm, so let me refer you to a hospital specializing in treating tuberculosis.
Medical fees for tuberculosis patients will be waived or reduced.  Please go to the nearest public health center and apply for public assistance for your medical fees.
ulcer 潰瘍
An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. Ulcers range from small, painful sores in the mouth to bedsores and serious lesions of the stomach or intestine.
melena 下血・黒色便・タール状便
The production of dark sticky faeces containing partly digested blood, as a result of internal bleeding or the swallowing of blood.
tarry タール
Like or covered with tar.
stools 大便
A piece of faeces.
‘fibre in the child's diet will soften the stools’
laxative 緩下剤,通じ薬
(chiefly of a drug or medicine) tending to stimulate or facilitate evacuation of the bowels.
‘laxative drugs’
‘the laxative properties of sodium sulphate’
purgative 下剤
A laxative.
‘a widely employed and useful purgative’
gauge (測定用)計器、計量器、ゲージ
An instrument that measures and gives a visual display of the amount, level, or contents of something.
‘a fuel gauge’
sphygmomanometer 血圧計
An instrument for measuring blood pressure, typically consisting of an inflatable rubber cuff which is applied to the arm and connected to a column of mercury next to a graduated scale, enabling the determination of systolic and diastolic blood pressure by increasing and gradually releasing the pressure in the cuff.
clotting 凝固 
A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood, or of material stuck together.
‘a blood clot’
‘a clot of dead leaves’
hematology 血液学
The branch of medicine involving study and treatment of the blood.
emphysema (肺)気腫
(also pulmonary emphysema)
A condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness.
‘smoking can lead to serious lung diseases such as emphysema’
miliary 粟(あわ)粒(状)の 〔病理〕〈病気・発疹が〉粟粒状の.
(of a disease) accompanied by a rash with lesions resembling millet seed.
‘miliary tuberculosis’


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.213-215.  「経静脈」から「外科」まで。何の関係もないと思いますが、「外科」の世界はテクニカルな英語表現が多いような気がします(笑)
intravenous hyperalimentation
This experience will help fom his character.
simulate bone formation
dimple formation
plague formation
tartar formation
plastic surgery
Please refrain from using mobile phones here.
Please use mobile phones in the designated area.
turn off one's mobile phone
listen attentively to the patient's complaints
have a slight/mild/low-grade fever
be slightly itchy
The chest CT shows a slight change in the size of the tumour.
carotid artery (jugular vein is 頸静脈) 
seizure, convulsive seizure, convulsion, spasm, twitch, cramp, cramps (腹痛と月経痛)
Is your baby abnormally drowsy?
Do you lose consciousness when you have a seizure?
What happened to her before/during the seizure?
Was this the first time she had a seizure?
The infection route of the disease is not known yet/is still unknown.
Have you ever had any serious injuries or accidents?
Have you every had any type of injury to your head?
have an injury requiring three months for complete recovery.








そのテストステロンが男性においてかなりのスピードで減少しているとのこと。15歳から39歳の男性のテストステロンを20年前と比べた時に、1/4 程度の減少が見られるとのこと。面白いのは、テストステロンの減少の意味の解釈である。それは体格やルックスに関する男らしさが減少するだけではなく、健康上悪い影響を与えるという議論を前面に出していることである。




医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.210-212.  「毛」から「頸静脈」まで。「け」に入りました。
You will probably lose your hair during chemotherapy.
Hair usually begins to grow back two or three months after the last chemotherapy treatment.
Have you noticed any thickening of your hair.
need constant care
daily care
long-term care
elder care
the respiratory system
the digestive system
the immune system
gay man, male homosexual
Could you tell me the details of the accident?
You are doing well.
His progress is not very good/what we would like.
Let us wait a while and see how things go/develop.
When you will be able to leave the hospital depends on the pace of your recovery.
A year has passed since the surgery.
With the passage of time the pain from the wound will diminish gradually.
Is your dizziness getting better, getting worse, or is there no change?
watch out for a sudden change in the symptom
You need to be hospitalised for observation.
be under observation
make a person's care plan
make a long-term treatment plan for asthma
Your rehabilitation is going according to plan.
Have you ever experienced this kind of pain before?
Is this the first time for you to experience this kind of extreme pain?
I would like you to see Dr Hoshi, a breast cancer specialist.  She has a great deal of experience treating this disease.
Do you tend to overeat?
Does the pain tend to get worse after meals?
oral, by mouth
the pill, birth control pill, oral contraceptive
Are you concerned about your financial problems?
discontinue the treatment for financial reasons
calculate the medical  expenses
lose the ability to calculate
We have calculated your due date as October the first.
We have to take into account the possibility of a blood transfusion.
primipara, multipara
character, trait
You have small pouches, called diverticula, along your large intestine.
In art therapy, patients express their emotions through artistic means and therapy improve their quality of life.
You have a mild form of depression, so you will definitely get better.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.207-209.  「グルカゴン」から「訓練士」まで。これで「く」が終わりです。
Did you feel as if you were spinning around?
Did the objects in the room seem to be spinning?
have a pain in one's chest
have difficulty breathing
Are you uncomfortable?
find it difficult to make a living
be badly off for money
suffer from a violent cough
die a painless death
pass away without feeling the slightest pain
sprain one's ankle
twist one's ankle
Did you drive your car to the hospital?
Please do not drive today.
Please use a wheelchair if you feel sick.
Please feel free to use one of the wheelchairs provided near the entrance.
Let me help you into/out of the wheelchair.
Can you use a wheelchair by yourself?
wrap your baby in a towel or think blancket
Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the thyroid produces excessive amounts of hormone.
Please do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice with this medication.
complain about the wait time
Be sure to take good care of yourself.
We accept credit cards.
Do not use cretinism.  Congenital hypothyroidism will do.
The stool colour is black.
vomit dark-coloured blood
dark brown urine
Do you see a dark spot in front of your eyes?
Do you have a hard time climbing stairs?
If you start smoking again, all your efforts will come to nothing.
Your efforts were not wasted.
After the surgery, we are going to do hormone therapy in addition to radiation therapy.
The test results may show that we need to do additional treatment.
Let me explain in more detail.
If you need further information, please ask the nurse.
For further details, please read this brochure.
I will give you the full detail later.
Would you like to join our group?
Our medical team includes palliative care specialists.
training, practice, exercise
Let's practice walking in the hallway.
train the patient to perform important everyday tasks