東アジアの医学史の若手研究者への賞に Taniguchi Medal があります。2年に一度、若手の英語論文を公募して優秀作品が選ばれる仕組みです。以下の要領で、今年も行われます。ご応募ください!
he Taniguchi Medal commemorates the great contribution of Mr. Taniguchi Toyosaburo, whose foundation supported the International Symposium for the Comparative History of Medicine East and West over the course of twenty-three consecutive years (1976-1999).
The Medal will be awarded at meetings of the ASHM to a graduate student for an outstanding essay (whether published or not yet published) on some aspect of the history of medicine. Any graduate student (as of Feb 20, 2018) who meets any one of the following criteria is eligible to apply: 1) is enrolled in an Asian university, 2) works on Asian medicine, 3) is of Asian nationality.
The recipient of the Medal will be invited to attend the 2018 ASHM Meeting courtesy of the Society.
Submission of Essays and Award for 2018:
1. Paper format: an article in English, double-spaced, maximum 20 pages in length.
2. Submissions must be accompanied by a nomination letter from a faculty advisor
3. Deadline for submissions: February 20, 2018
4. Review by notification: April 10, 2018
5. The Medal will be awarded at a joint meeting of ASHM and HOMSEA (History of Medicine in Southeast Asia) to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 27 to June 30, 2018.
6. Please submit your essay to both of the following addresses:
1) ashm@mail.ihp.sinica.edu.tw
2) Secretariat, Asian Society for the History of Medicine, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Nankang 11529, Taipei, TAIWAN