医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.387-389. 「スタミナ」から「スナック」まで。
build up your stamina/boost your stamina
Please take two tablets each time.
Her condition is improving little by little.
Please enter the room one at a time.
Do you have a headache?
How long do the headaches last?
Do you have the headache across your forehead/along your temples/behind your eyes/in the back of your head/all over your head?
I am so sorry! I completely forgot about it.
I am really happy that you have completely recovered.
Do you feel refreshed when you wake up?
Iced tea will refresh you.
Going for a walk in the fresh air will clear your head.
You look much better than yesterday, don't you?
I will be in the hospital all day tomorrow, so come and see me anytime.
Walk straight all the way to the end.
Do you have a sour taste in your mouth?
quit smoking/drinking once and for all
It is dangerous for you to touch someone else's blood with your bare hands.
When you deal with vomit, take good care not to touch it with your bare hands.
Have you already handed in this form?
Your son's surgery is already finished, and he is now in the intensive care unit.
As I told you before, you will most likely to need a blood transfusion.
Dr Hara is no longer at this hospital.
Please throw away used insulin needles in a special container.
Please do not give up hope.
Are you taking oral steroid?
Rinse your mouth and gargle after inhaling this steroid.
insert a stent in an artery
coronary stanting
stoma, oestomy, artificial anus
create a stoma
Please take your stockings off.
talk with long/short stride
physical stress, mental/psychological/emotional stress, child-care stress
people-related stress/stress in human relations
Have you been under much stress recently?
Is your stress level high?
Can you manage stress?
Stress may trigger an asthma attack.
Stress is one of the triggers for bulimia nervosa.
Stretch your shoulder muscles completely.
lift a patient onto a stretcher
We are going to transport your child by stretcher to the operating room now.
You have to be careful about eating snacks such as cakes and cookies because they are high in sugar and fat.