
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.519-521.  「動脈管」から「得意」まで。
arterial duct
You need to be more careful because your arteriosclerosis is getting worse.
You need to be more careful because the hardening in your arteries is progressing.
You have got hardening of the arteries, so please be moderate in your salt and fat intake.
The test results show that you have a small aneurysm in the brain.
The aneurysm has ruptured and caused bleeding in the brain.
prevent an aneurysm from rupturing
clear, colourless, transparency
have a clear/colourless discharge
This medication must be given within four hours and thirty minutes of the onset of symptoms.
Since you are on the anticoagulant, please be careful not to get injured.
I am going to give you a once-daily anti-hypertensive.
She is very upset at the test results.
She is badly shaken by the test results.
Please be careful not to give him a shock.
flail, loose, waddling
Oriental medicine is also practised in this hospital.
There is a drugstore across the street/road from the main entrance.
Please be careful not to trip on uneven pavements/sidewalks.
Is this your first visit to this hospital?  Then, you will need to register first.
Would you fill out this registration form?
Thank you for waiting.  Here is your registration card.
discuss the test results and treatment plan at a conference
Is your office far from your house?
This hospital is a long way from your house, isn't it?
Do you have difficulty seeing things at a distance?
Do you have memories of things that happened a long time ago?
As things stand now, you ought to be able to leave the hospital soon.
I will pass this information along to your doctor.
Please have a quick look over the instructions?
Please cook food thoroughly and eat it promptly.
Do you feel faint when your heart is pounding/you have palpitations?
give a doping test
take a doping test
pass/fail a doping test
Do you feel as if food doen't pass through your throat smoothly?
I am sorry, but you cannot go through here.
melt, dissolve
Please place the tablet under your tongue and allow it to melt slowly.
This medication may be taken dissolved in water or juice.
dissolve the blood clot
feel guilty, blame, reproach
Do you ever feel guilty about things?
Please do not blame yourself for getting ill
Do you sometimes have asthma attacks?
Does the pain come on occasionally or is it constant?
Does your heart beat fast?
Do you feel your heart pounding?
Do you have palpitations?
Do you ever experience stopping and starting during urination?
Does your urinary stream sometimes become interrupted?
poison, toxin, venom
This plant us very poisonous.
Drinking a lot almost every evening is bad for your health.
hornet venom, fugu poison, fugu toxin, snake venom
specific, peculiar, unique
good, favourite, strength
You are good at cooking.
What is your favourite subject at schools?
What are your strength at work?