









東京では違う。新しいシステムが導入されている。トッピングーめんの二元論のシステムである。きつねーうどんは油揚げをのせたうどん、きつねーそばは、油揚げをのせたそば。たぬきーうどんは天かすをのせたうどん、たぬきーそばは天かすをのせたそば。 この二元論のシステムがあるから、現実のうどんやそばの名称が<新たに>形成される。










  • 1970年代の反精神医学やミシェル・フーコーが刺激した精神医学史の視点が、どのように変化してきたか。
  • シドニーで4S (Society for the Social Study of Science) が開催される少し前の時期に設定してある5日間である。
  • ハンス・ポルス先生とマーク・ミケーレ先生などの著名な先生がセミナーをされる。
  • あらかじめ5月30日が締め切りのアプリケーションをして、滞在費と食費は先方が負担してくださる(!)ただし、シドニーへの交通費はそれぞれが負担すること。



History and Philosophy of Science Winter [Northern Summer] School: History of Psychiatry,Past Trends, Future Directions

13-17 August 2018, University of Sydney

We invite applications from graduate students and early-career researchers in the history and socialstudies of science and biomedicine, and related fields, for a five-day (southern-hemisphere) winter school focusing on scholarship in the history of psychiatry. This is an excellent opportunity for young scholars interested in some of the more exciting recent developments in the history, sociology, and anthropology of medicine, in particular those scholars seeking to integrate various approaches in the interdisciplinary analysis of psychiatry and its history.

The history of psychiatry has attracted sustained attention by historians of medicine over the past several decades. The attention to psychiatry was partly caused by broader public debates about the role of psychiatry in modern societies. During the 1970s, for example, critics such as Thomas Szasz condemned psychiatry as a pseudo-branch of medicine and as a tool of modern societies to force individuals to conform to arbitrary social standards or to forcibly confine them to mental hospitals which Erving Gofman characterised as total institutions akin to prisons and concentration camps. The
historical/philosophical work of Michel Foucault contributed to these characterisations as well. These views greatly contributed to historical research on the history of psychiatry.
How relevant are the approaches to the history of psychiatry inspired by these critical views today?

After deinstitutionalisation, there are hardly any mental hospitals left, the influence of psychoanalysis has greatly declined, and psychiatrists appear to focus more on psychopharmacology than on psychotherapy. During this winter school, we will evaluate past and current research on the history of psychiatry, discuss promising new trends, and focus on topics that we expect will be relevant in the near future. Topics that will be discussed include: Modern Research on Insane Asylums and Mental Hospitals; Colonial and Post-Colonial Psychiatry; Diagnosing Populations: Psychiatric Epidemiology;
Deinstitutionalisation and community psychiatry; Trauma: Experience, Explanations, and Treatments.

We are looking forward to discussing these issues and many others, according to the interests of participants. Through a mix of seminars, small group discussions, and case studies, graduate students and early-career researchers will become acquainted with the most interesting research in the history of psychiatry. The workshop faculty will illustrate their arguments with examples of their own recent and forthcoming research. We expect participants to shape these discussions and to contribute ideas and examples from their own studies. Additionally, there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy Sydney’s harbor, beaches, food, and cultural activities.

The winter course will be taught by Mark Micale (University of Illinois), Hans Pols (University of Sydney), and several other local academics with interest in this area.
We have planned this winter school before the conference of the Society for the Social Study of Science, which will take place from 29 August to 1 September. There will be many interesting smaller events in the week preceding that conference. Applicants should send a CV and a brief description (maximum one page) of their research interests, and how they relate to the topic of the Winter School, to hps.admin@sydney.edu.au (with a subject heading “Winter School Application”). Closing date is May 30, 2018. We will take care of accommodation expenses and meals for the period of the Winter School, but participants (or their institutions) will have to cover their own transport costs.

The Winter School is supported by the Sydney Centre for the Foundations of Science and the School of History and Philosophy of Science, and the International Research Collaboration Fund of the University of Sydney.







芸術新潮でいい記事を読んで、スワスティカについて Wikipedia を調べる機会があった。スワスティカについての記事もすぐれた記事であること、それから、ハーケンクロイツという言葉をきちんと使わなければならないと思った。


冒頭の記事は、インドのクンバコナム (Kumbakonam) というヒンドゥー教の古い寺院の壁に、「卍」(マンジ)という文字が数多く書いてある写真で始めている。この写真をみて、一瞬、ナチスの紋章として有名な「スワスティカ」と勘違いした。

ウィキペディアの swastika を読むとよくわかる。スワスティカはもともとはサンスクリット語で、時計回りがスワスティカ、反時計回りがサウヴァスティカと呼ばれること。そこからスワスティカが一般名詞になったこと。「日本人がマンジと呼ぶスワスティカ」という表現でOK であること。もともとのサンスクリットでは、これは反時計回りだからサウヴァスティカでなければならないが、そこをいつも区別はしないこと。ナチスの紋章についても、「ナチスハーケンクロイツと呼んだスワスティカ」と呼べばいいこと。これは時計回りだからスワスティカと呼んでいいこと。「スワスティカ」という本来はナチス批判とは無関係な言葉を、その意味にだけ使っていて、このことはちょっとゆがんでいること。それは「ハーケンクロイツ」という言葉を使うのがより適切であること。

下にスワスティカのエントリーと芸術新潮の写真を載せました。写真を見ると、時計回りも反時計回りもどちらも書かれていますね。あと、Kumbakonam は素晴らしい寺院です。

Swastika - Wikipedia

