

家事の中でハンカチにアイロンをかけるという単純な仕事があって、その仕事をしながら音楽をかけている。だいたいグレゴリアン・チャント、バッハ、ジャズ、そしてもちろんオリヴィア・ニュートン・ジョンだけれども、数日前にカーラ・ブルーニがとてもいい感じになることを知った。オリヴィア・ニュートン・ジョンカーラ・ブルーニを較べると、昭和のおじさんと平成のおじさんの違いがよくわかる(ような気がします 笑)



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鉢にまいた原種系のチューリップが花を咲かせそうなのでベランダから庭に下ろした。名前はカタカナで「クルシアナ」と書いてあり、これは crux (十字架)に関係する命名かなと思って少し調べた。なかなか見つけられなくて、もう一度最初から調べると、これは R の音のクルシアナではなく Lの音のクルシアナ。起源はライデン大学の植物園の植物学者であったカルロス・クルシウス Carlos Clusius (1526-1603) から取っているとのこと。Anna Pavord が書いたチューリップの本にはもちろん丁寧に書いてあるし、たしかにチューリップに彼の名前を冠するのはその通り。オットマン帝国からさかんにチューリップを導入して植物園で繁殖し、ウィルスをつかって変形をさせることもできたとか。 Wikipedia を見ると、政治と経済と植物学の密接な関係を分析した本がたくさん紹介されている。






医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.449-451.  「大便」から「タクシー」まで。
stool, faeces
have a bowel movement
major attack, grand mal
marijuana, marihuana, cannabis, hashish, joint, weed, pot, grass, dope
The use of marijuana in Japan is prohibited by law.
It is illegal to use marijuana in Japan.
By monitoring the patient's condition carefully, we will find just the right timing to perform surgery.
A blood vessel taken from your leg will substitute for the blocked vessel in your heart.
The blocked vessel in the heart will be replaced with a blood vessel taken from the leg.
a sugar substitute
This device has a life of about ten years.
Do you have difficulty lying flat in bed?
When patients do not have the capacity to make their own decisions, we ask one of their family members to sign the consent form on their behalf.
a large amount of, a large quantity of, massive, copious, heavy
lose a large amount of blood
bleed massively
eat/binge on large amounts of food
drink alcohol heavily
massive bleeding, massive haemorrhage, severe bleeding, heavy bleeding
Massive bleeding has occurred in the digestive tract.
physical strength, energy level, physical performance, stamina
She is not strong enough for the surgery.
She does not have enough physical strength to withstand the surgery.
Do you feel you have less energy than you used to?
Do you feel your energy levels have gone down?
a Down syndrome child
a child with trisomy 21 syndrome
saliva, salivary (accent) 
Do you choke when you swallow your saliva?
Do you feel that your saliva does not flow easily?
Do you have less saliva than you used to?
constant, continuous
Is the pain constant?
Do you have the pain constantly/continuously?
bear, tolerate, stand, withstand, put up with
Considering her age and physical strength, I am afraid your mother is not well enough to withstand the surgery.
towel, washcloth, facecloth
Dry/Wipe your face with this washcloth.
fall down in a faint
fall flat on one's face
high, elevated, tall, expensive, costly
Have you ever been told that you have high blood pressure?
Do you have difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds and voices?
Unfortunately, stage-three-a lung cancer has a high rate of recurrence.
If not treated in time, there is a high probability that glaucoma will lead to loss of vision and, ultimately, blindness.
be taller than average
The trouble with this medication is that it is fairly expensive.
This ointment is more effective if applied right after taking a bath.
This new drug has been shown to be effective in clinical trials, so we have high hopes for it.
There are increasing complaints about x.
raise, increase, improve
Too much fat raises the risk of heart disease.
Your baby's wanting to be held all the time is not going to last forever, so please hold him/her in your arms whenever you can.
Please hold your child firmly.
Hold your baby a lot.  It won't spoil him/her.
Please drink a lot of water.
Please take plenty of fluids.
Please roll up your pant legs/shirt sleeves.
Shall I call a taxi for you?
take a taxi home
go home by taxi


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.446-448.  「大切」から「胎便」まで。
You are almost finished.
your hospital stay will be roughly five days.
If you stay in bed, you will usually be well again within several days.
complementary and alternative medicine
How are you feeling today?
How is your condition today?
Do you feel that something in your body is wrong?
Please take an early rest if you don't feel well.
Extreme fluctuations in temperature can be bad for the body, so please be careful about that.
have a colon screening test
I am going to perform a colonoscopy to visually examine your colon and rectum for any abnormalities.
Asthmatic symptoms will usually improve with daily use of inhaled corticosteroids.
take a positive/negative/passive attitude toward one's treatment
change one's attitude
Have you felt your baby moving?
Please call us if the baby's movements stop.
the main aorta
Your aortic valve does not close properly, so the blood is your heart is flowing backward.
We have found an aortic aneurysm in your abdomen.
If an aortic aneurysm ruptures, it will lead to massive bleeding.
The risk of an abdominal aortic aneurysm rupturing depends on its size and the rate at which it expands.
insert a pacemaker inside a person's body
Titanium is a metal that can be safely implanted in the body.
If you have any mental implants in your body, you cannot have an MRI.
I prescribe this medication because first it's effective, and second it has very few side effects.
cerebral atrophy
Please give one more push to expel the placenta.
Have you ever had a serious/major illness?
body, corpus
the gastric body
the uterine body
You had a hard time, didn't you?
I know your work must be hard but please don't neglect to take good care of yourself.
If you continue these eating habits, the consequences could be serious.
Your really had a terrible accident.
I did really well.
I am very happy that you are getting better quickly.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.443-445.  「大使館」から「体性」まで。
You need to submit a report of birth to the embassy of your home country.
For further information on procedure, please inquire at your embassy.
Do you have allergies?
Do you tend  to get allergies?
Do you have a predisposition toward allergies?
You can improve your body's metabolism by exercising regularly.
Have you ever been told that you have a strong body odour?
How much do you weigh?
What is your weight?
Let me measure your height and weight.
You weigh sixty-five kilos.
You are overweight for your height.]This much weight gain is quite normal, so don't worry.
Your child is heavy for his age.
Has your weight changed recently?
Have you gained or lost weight recently?
have you noticed any weight gain/loss/increase recently?
What is your optimal weight?
Please take your shoes off and step on the scale.
Please step on the scale with your shoes off.
How do you cope with stress?
We will try to deal with the matter as soon as we can.
a rehabilitation program for patients who have had surgery.
I am sorry, but you are not long-term care insurance.
In this clinical trial, one group will receive the new treatment while the control group will receive the standard treatment.
Are you comfortable enough?
You will be alright.
Is it alright?
Symptomatic treatment relieves the symptoms of a disease, but does not cure the disease itself.
There are no effective antiviral drugs against the common cold, so the only thing we can do is provide treatment that will relieve the symptoms.
Are you usually a big eater?
Eating a lot of food cannot be good for your health.
Are you retired?
I am substituting for Dr Hayashi today.
How are your relationships with other people.
Do you have difficulty getting along with other people?
Are you allergic to soy-beans?
Cancer cells sometimes acquire resistance to anticancer drug.
These bacteria are resistant to multiple antibiotics.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.440-442.  「大陰唇」から「大事」まで。
labium majus, labia majora
body fluid, semen
Are you on a diet?
Excessive dieting is bad for your health.
A clerk at the reception desk will help you in that matter.
An English-speaking member of staff will be here, so could you wait for a little while.  
We apologise for any poor service you may have received.
We are trying to deal with the matter as prompting as we can.
Did you take your temperature?
What was your temperature this morning?
Your temperature is normal, thirty-seven point six degrees Celsius.
Please keep this thermometer under your arm until it beeps.
The patient was of average height and build.
Your child has a good build for his age.
medical university, medical school, university hospital
His condition is very unstable, so we would like you to be on hand somewhere in the hospital in case there is a turn for the worse.
You should stay at home for at least a few days to make sure that you don't come down with any symptoms.
We have a care taxi standing by for when you are ready to leave the hospital.
atmospheric pressure, barometric pressure
air pollution
You must feel really bored lying in bed all the time.
What would you like to do to kill the time.
vaginal discharge, yellow discharge, bloody discharge
Please tell me about your childhood experiences.
Have you ever had any unpleasant experience in Japan?
sexual experience, near-death experience
involutional depression
substitute for
I am going to substitute for Dr Hoshi today.
How long are you going to stay in Japan.
Where are you staying in Tokyo?
short-term stay, long-term stay, illegal stay
take appropriate/adequate measures against hospital-acquired infections
Please listen carefully, because this is very important.
The important thing about asthma treatment is to keep using the inhaler regularly even if you are not having attacks.
For you, what is the most important thing in life?
Who is the most important person for you?
Visiting in the ICU is restricted to immediate family and significant others.
Your child's life was saved thanks to the appropriate emergency at the scene of the accident.
Your injury is not so serious, but I want you to remain in the hospital for tonight just as a precaution.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.435-439.  「備える」から「退院」まで。途中で「体位」という項目だけで1ページ以上にわたり、全体で5ページ音読することになりました。
Please read this brochure to prepare for your surgery.
The scar will fade soon.
It won's take long for the scar to fade.
How have you been feeling since then?
Please take this medication each time your headache becomes unbearable.
Whenever your blood sugar levels go up or down, I am going to change the dose of your medication.
Were are doing all we can, but today will be a critical stage, so please be ready for that.
You are absolutely right.
That is exactly right.
This medication has dramatic effects, but may have that many more side effects.
If you make an appointment beforehand, you will save yourself that much waiting time.
If you don't work harder on your rehabilitation, it will take you that much longer to get discharged.
You can keep your clothes on.
As soon as the test is over, you can go home without waiting.
Your condition is stable, so let's wait a while and see how it goes.
Please leave your room as it is.  Our staff will tidy it up.
Don't worry.  I will be here beside you.
I am afraid that I forgot to ask you something important.
If you miss a dose of this medication, take it as soon as you remember.
one's grandfather one one's mother's/father's side.
one's maternal/paternal side
To prepare for your surgery, I am going to shave your abdomen.
Please shave the surgical area by yourself.
Each member of your family will have a different opinion on that matter.
How we feel pain or anxiety differs from person to person.
I will be off then.  I will come to see you again tomorrow morning later.
Please arrange the cards in order.
Please stand with your feet together.
Please get all the necessary forms ready before your next visit.
She should be coming out of the anaesthesia any time now.
Let us discuss what kind of care you will need after your discharge from the hospital, shall we?
To carry out death with dignity, the patient's wishes and intentions must be made very clear.
Since Japan has no death with dignity law, it has to be dealt with very carefully in clinical settings.
Viruses and bacteria exist everywhere.
How you recover depends on whether there are any complications.
Advanced-stage diabetes causes peripheral nerve damage, so you will lose your sense of feeling and may not even be aware of a food injury.
Your dear doggy gives you a lot of emotional support, doesn't he?
Have you ever had a rib injury?
We certainly respect our patient's opinions.
Respect for human life is at the heart of our medical treatment/care.
You don't have to work so hard.
At such times, push the button to call the nurse.
I did not mean what I said.
Chest binders are available in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
What size compress would you like to have, large or small?
Please lie on this table, on your back on your left side.
Please put your chin and forehead on this support.
Does the pain get worse when you change your body position?
We will turn you every two hours to prevent pressure sores.
You have to sit out physical education class.
First of all, let us make sure we have some vacant beds available.
With COPD, first and foremost, you should quit smoking.
Once the wound has healed satisfactory, you can leave the hospital.
You will be able to leave the hospital soon.
You are not well enough to leave the hospital soon.
Your discharge will be decided depending on how quickly you recover after the surgery.
Please come to the outpatient department for a follow-up visit one week after being discharged from the hospital.
Please check with a ward clerk about the discharge procedures.