医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.189-191. 「きれい」から「緊急連作先」まで。
The flowers are really beautiful!
Are your hands clean?
It might take a few months to a year for the wound to heal completely.
The shadow on your X-ray has thoroughly disappeared.
Do your nails split easily?
have a cracked bone
I am sorry to say that we could not remove the entire tumour.
These scissors cut well.
The blood vessel has burst.
Do you get short of breath/out of breath when you climb stairs?
This visa has expired.
The medication is starting to wear off.
The battery is dead.
This test records your EKG during exercise.
record one's daily temperature.
diet record, medical record, anaesthesia record
You weigh seventy kilos/kilograms.
How many kilos did you gain/lose in this week?
We had a serious discussions about the matter.
Difference specialists have different opinions about the treatment plans in this case.
Do you feel like you are going to faint?
Have you ever fainted/lost consciousness/blacked out?
It's all right. Do not get upset.
Please don't bother.
Please watch your step.
Please take care that you do not fall.
Please be more careful about what you eat from now on.
Please relax and try again.
Please do not think badly of him.
I am sorry if I upset you by what said.
The effectiveness of medications depends on the type of germs involved.
Even healthy people have a large number of different types of bacteria living on their skin and inside their body.
Let us do a sputum culture to identify the bacteria that are causing the pneumonia.
Myositis is inflammation of the muscles due to various causes which results in muscle pain and weakness.
Have you ever stopped smoking?
What method did you use to stop smoking?
With your condition as it is, you should stop smoking. It is never too late.
Please call us if you need to see me urgently.
Please always carry your medical alert care with you.
In case of an emergency, please call and ambulance.
She collapsed from a heart attack and was hospitalised for emergency treatment.
Please write your emergency contact number here.
Who should we contact in case of an emergency? Could you tell me the name and phone number, and your relationship to him or her.