
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.251-253.  「超える」から「呼吸」まで。今日のハイライトは「呼吸」でした。
be above, exceed
Your cholesterol level is about normal.
Your caloric intake should not exceed two thousand kilo-calories a day.  
She has passed out of the critical stage.
She has passed the immediate crisis.
When she eats, does she often breathe in food and choke on it?
Does she easily aspirate food and get choked on it?
receive the full course of chemotherapy
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
Please do not drink coffee with this medication.
vomit liquid that looks like coffee grounds
Coca-Cola contains caffeine.
Here is the call button.
If you need any help, please do not hesitate to push the call button.
There must have been some misunderstanding.  I did not mean to hurt your feelings.
the five senses, the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
expiration, inspiration
walk with short, quick and shuffling steps
Do you have any problems with your breathing?
Do you have difficulty breathing?
Do you wake up at night because of difficulty with breathing?
Do you find breasing more difficult when you are lying flat on your back?
Please do breathing exercises before your surgery.
You will feel better if you breathe through pursed lips.
She is breathing hard.
She is panting for breath.
Currently she is not breathing on her own.
With your mouth shut, please breathe through your nose.
Purse your lips as if you are whistling.
Keeping your lips pursed, breathe out slowly.
Be careful not to push yourself too hard to fore the air out.
Breathe out twice as slowly as your breathed in.
After some practice try to gradually increase the time to breathe out and slow your breathing rate.
First, please lie on your back.
Relax, and place your hands on your abdomen.
Breathe in slowly through your nose.  Try to feel that your abdomen gets larger as you breathe in.
Purse your lips and breathe out slowly.  Try to feel that your abdomen falls inward as your breathe out.