
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.266-268.  「コロニー」から「コントラスト」まで。初めてのカタカナ始まりーカタカナ終わりの項目かもしれませんね。
How did you fall?
Do you often fall down?
Please take care that you do do not fall down.
fall down the stairs, slip and fall, fall flat on one's face
fall onto one's hands/knees
Have you ever had any scary/frightening/horrible/terrifying experience before?
Do you often have terrifying dreams?
If you do not change your eating habits now, you will be sorry in the long run.
This machine makes a slightly loud noise, but there is no need to be scared.
damage, ruin, injure
damage one's health by overworking
have an upset a bad stomach
have a shoulder/an elbow injury
Do you have stiffness in any part of your body?
Does any part of your body feel stiff?
Do your hands get stiff?
Is the stiffness constant or does it come and go?
How long does your morning stiffness last after you wake up?
an illegitimate child
marital status
Do you feel that you are becoming less and less patient these days?
Even though you cannot do this very well this time, you will be all right if you keep at it.
evidence, grounds, basis
give clear evidence of the therapeutic effects
At present there is not enough/sufficient evidence that this supplement is effective.
We have reasonable grounds to suspect infection.
Her anxiety has no basis in fact.
I am going to explain what the plan of treatment from now on will be.
What are you going to do from now on?  Would like to have the treatment in Japan?
You do not have to come and see me again.
Depending on how things develop, you may need to be hospitalised.
Outpatient clinics are always crowded with patients at the beginning of the week.
She is in a deep coma.
be still in a semicoma
be in an irreversible coma
fall into a coma
come out of a coma
measure the depth of a person's coma
eradicate polio
eradicate a disease
His consciousness is cloudy.
He is delirious.
Your lens has become cloudy.
Do you wear contact lenses?
Please be careful not to damage or dirty your contact lenses.
put in/take our one's contact lenses
You cancer is in its early stages and can be completely cured by surgery, so do not worry.
Unfortunately, at present there is no complete cure for this disease.
She may not be able to achieve a complete cure
Are you allergic to bees or other insects?
cure the underlying disease
You have done well this time.
Now its your turn.
Please be sure to bring your insurance card next time you come.
Could you come some other time, maybe?
People often confuse the department of neurology with the department of psychiatry, but they are completely different fields of medicine.
use condoms
put on a condom


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.263-265.  「こまめに」から「ごろごろ」まで。今日のハイライトは「コレステロール」。私が非常に弱い概念です。何かを読んでみます。日本語に引きずられてアクセントを間違えたのが collagen.  これは「コラーゲン」と読みがちですが、「ラジェン」でした。形容詞が「コラジェナス」。そのあたりを教えてくださっている優しさも、さすが医療英会話辞典ですね。


often, frequently
Please drink fluids/water as often as possible.
Please take a break and relax frequently between activities.

Is anything bothering you?
Do you have any difficulty in controlling your bladder?
Do you have any trouble with constipation?
If you have any problems, feel free to come and talk with me.
You cannot do that. Please stop it.

waste, dust, trash, rubbish
get some dust
take out the trash

There seem to be some complicated family circumstances behind their separation.

communicate with each other by means of gestures
communicate well with the people around one
There is some question about her communication ability.
He communicates by means of sign language.
There seems to be a serious breakdown in communication between parents and children.

Are you allergic to wheat?
wheat allergy
wheat sensitivity

have an allergic reaction to natural rubber gloves

leg cramp
get a cramp in one's right leg

What do you usually eat, rice or bread?
rice-water stool

have a pain in one's temples
one's temples are throbbing

To avoid misuse, please do not stop and start taking the medication on your own/at will.

collagen, collagenous
collagenous fibre

Please look at this film.

You have had enough of it with excessive drinking, haven't you?

fastidious, particular
Are you the fastidious type?

Do you feel isolated from your family and friends?

Are your shoulders stiff?
have a stiff neck/feel stiff in the neck

put on a brace/corset
wear a brace

Let us take a CT scan of your chest now.
Sorry, but I have got to see my patients after this.
The weather is going to get colder from now on, so please take good care of yourself.

The cholesterol level is above/below normal.
Your total cholesterol is two hundred and forty-five milligrams per decilitre; your LDL cholesterol is high, one hundred and seventy-five, and HDL cholesterol is low, forty.

I would just like to say this.
I want you not to forget this at least.
I am really surprised that you recovered so rapidly.
It is still difficult to understand after i have explained this much.

It is all over for today.
That's it for today.

How has your been up until now?
Now I would like to ask you about any illnesses you have had in the past.
That is all for today.

Does your stomach rumble?
Does your eye feel like it has sand in it?
Do you often idle the time away, doing nothing at home on your days off?

Die sogennante Hirnhautentzündung, 所謂脳膜炎、とりあえず痔



先日は博士課程の学生が最後の章を日本語で書いたものを SPVした。20世紀前半の日本での「所謂脳膜炎」という疾病概念と、実質上そのような名称を用いる優れた分析があり、素晴らしかった。分析の水準は深く、海外の一流誌に掲載されるようになることは間違いないだろう。
「所謂脳膜炎」は英語では so-called meningitisというとのこと。おそらくドイツ語では sogennant だろう。敢えてドイツ語に約すと die sogennante Hirnhautentzündungとなるだろう。この「所謂」という日本語が成立する必要があるありさまを非常に的確にとらえており、確実な向上があった。


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.260-262.  「古典」から「鼓膜」まで。
heartbeat, pulsation
Do you have problems with your heartbeat?
loneliness, lonely, solitary, alone
feel lonely
lonely death, dying alone
Are you planning to go back to New York this summer? 
There are three different ways to treat this disease.
The effects and side effects differ/vary from person to person.
Do you have difficulty/trouble getting your words out?
Do you have trouble putting what you are thinking into words?
I am sorry but I cannot find the right word.
Were you able to make yourself understood on the ward?
Please get permission going out of the hospital.
Please be advised that we conduct on-the-job training of nursing students in this hospital.
It is very kind of you, but we cannot accept your gift.
If you cannot swallow this powder, you can take it mixed with juice or ice cream.
the five-year survival rate for stomach cancer
Thank you for your cooperation the other day.
The last earthquake was a pretty big one-- were you all right?
You don't have to decide here and now.
You are much better than the last time I saw you.
Let's keep up the diet therapy like this.
We cannot heave this matter as it is.
That's a matter of taste/likes and dislikes.
Please raise your arms like this.
Which do you like, rice or bread.
bump, lump. swelling, aneurysm, bulge in the blood vessel
She has a fifty-fifty chance of getting well.
Could I talk with you alone?
Does he often spill drinks or drop food while eating?
Do you have difficulty reading fine print?
Please do not hesitate to ask the nurses for details on anything.
eardrum, tympanic membrane
Have you ever had a ruptured eardrum?











これを植物の博物誌でどう探すのか、少し手間取った。もちろんテオフラストゥスから記録されているが、昔は violet だと考えられていたとのこと。だから 17世紀のジェラードでも、これは白いスミレに分類されている。ジェラードは特別に美しい花であると考えて、この花に接した男性は野卑から脱して道徳的になると力説している。


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.257-259.  「ご主人」から「固定」まで。ちなみに、「ご主人」は「主人」を見るようにという指示。このキーワード辞典は、楽しい発想の転換が多いのですが、医療英会話が「ご主人・主人」をどのように定義するのか。まだ見ていないのですが、とても楽しみです。
Your cold has developed into pneumonia.  
Your cold has got worse and you have developed pneumonia.
respect the wishes of the deceased person
in my personal opinion
ask some personal question
patient profile
wrong diagnosis, diagnostic error, misdiagnosis
please wash the wound by rubbing it gently with a mild soap
Please avoid rubbing the wound
rub one's eyes hard
a grating/scraping/rubbing sound
Does you skin feel irritated when your clothes rub against it?
Please come at nine in the morning.
at ten on the morning of March the sixteenth
It is time to start rehabilitation.
That is exactly what I was thinking about.
palliative procedure, palliative surgery, palliative treatment
She is very busy taking care of her child/children.
Does you husband help you take care of your child?
Is you husband cooperative when it comes to taking care of your children?
As you might already know
As you known, smoking not allowed anywhere inside the hospital.
delusion of grandeur
I am sorry that I cannot meet your request.
We will do our best to respond to your request.
I will be glad to answer your questions if you have any.
I am sorry, but I cannot give you a definite answer.
We have not found the solution to that difficult problem.
an obsession with perfection
Are you very particular about what you eat?
Once you get the knack of it, this instrument is easy to handle.
bone, bone transplant, osteo-necrosis, bone necrosis, osteitis, bone marrow, bone tumour, bone fracture, osteoporosis, bone metabolism, bone metastasis, osteosarcoma, etc.
Does you child like to play make-believe games?
The risk of developing osteoporosis is higher in women after menopause.
Postmenopausal women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis.
brace, secure, fix, attach, immobilise, dress
I am going to brace your neck to prevent your head from moving.
secure a bed with rails
secure the sprained arena to prevent it from moving


一つは新しいSFのコメディーであるTVドラマが始まったこと。40年先に設定されたSFによる宇宙旅行でのトラブルという話であること。私は TVドラマに非常に弱く、大河ドラマや朝ドラもほとんど観ない。実佳が熱心に観ているBBC系を一緒に観ようかなと思う。
次は NYCでアウトサイダー・アート展が開催されているとのこと。日本からはItsuo Kobayashi (小林一緒)というアーチストが参加しているとのこと。彼は調理師として蕎麦屋給食センターなどで46才まで勤務したとのこと。調理者としてエリートの勝利者の階段を上ってきたわけでは全然ない。中年ではアルコール性神経症となって、歩行も困難となった。そこで何かがうまくいき(笑)、彼が描いた定食系の絵画というかイラストが非常な人気であるとのこと。画像を観ると、本当に素朴な絵で、とても楽しい。私が研究している脳病院の患者があたりまえに描きそうなイラストである。NYCでも人気を出してください!
もう一つ、これは本気の部分があるが、世界における死因の話。死因といえば各国別で調べるが、それを全体として扱おうという巨大プロジェクト。エスプレッソからランセットまで行って眺めてみた。1990年から2017年までの死因を調べたものである。その最大の死因は sepsis である(これは日本では「敗血症」と訳されていて、この sepsis と違うような気がするので、セプシスと書きます)そのセプシスが世界の死因の1/5くらいであるとのこと。非常に面白い。細かく分業化している先進国の医者の専門家の構造とは違うような形で死因が起きているような気がする。
Rudd, Kristina E. et al. "Global, Regional, and National Sepsis Incidence and Mortality, 1990–2017:  Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study." The Lancet, vol. 395, no. 10219, 2020, pp. 200-211,  doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32989-7.