EASTSが、東アジア、東南アジアにおける Psy Sciences 特集を組んでいます。シンガポール、中国、日本、台湾などの地域における一線の研究者たちによる力作揃いの特集です。シンガポールの論文は、無料公開されています。ぜひご覧ください。
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Volume 10 Number 2 June 2016
Transnational Psy Sciences in East and Southeast Asia
Guest Editors: Wen-Ji Wang and Harry Yi-Jui Wu
Making and Mapping Psy Sciences in East and Southeast Asia
Harry Yi-Jui Wu and Wen-Ji Wang
Mental Illness in Singapore: A History of a Colony, Port City and Coolie Town
Kah Seng Loh
Neurasthenia and the Rise of Psy Disciplines in Republican China
Wen-Ji Wang
Religion, Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy: Exploring the Japanese Experience and the Possibility of a Transnational Framework
Christopher Harding
From Racialization to World Citizenship: The Transnationality of Taiwan and the Early Psychiatric Epidemiological Studies of the World Health Organization
Harry Yi-Jui Wu
Tim Harper and Sunil S. Amrith, Histories of Health in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century
Hans Pols
Bin Wang王斌, Jindai tielu jishu xiang Zhongguo de zhuanyi —yi Jiaoji tielu weili, 1898-1914 近代铁路技术向中国的转移—以胶济铁路为例 (1898-1914) [Modern Railway Technology Transfer to China: the Case of Kiaotsi Railway, 1898-1914]
Wu-San Dai
Yi-bing Fang 方一兵, Zhongri jindai gangtie jishushi bijiao yanjiu: 1868-1933 中日近代鋼鐵技術史比較研究: 1868-1933 [The History of Iron and Steel Technology in Modern China and Japan, 1868-1933: A Comparative Study]
Wei Qian
Ka Wai Fan, Beisong jiaozheng yishu ju xintan: yi guojia yu yixue wei zhongxin北宋校正醫書局新探: 以國家與醫學為中心 [A New Exploration on the Medical Books Revision Bureau of the Northern Song Dynasty]
Shenmi Song