ブラジルのハンセン病 雑誌特集号 


* Robertson, Jo. "Leprosy and the Elusive M. Leprae: Colonial and Imperial Medical Exchanges in the Nineteenth Century." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 13-40.
* Oliveira, Maria Leide Wand-del-Rey de, Carla Maria Mendes, Rachel Tebaldi Tardin, Mônica Duarte Cunha, and Angela Arruda. "Social Representation of Hansen's Disease Thirty Years after the Term 'Leprosy' Was Replaced in Brazil." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 41-48.
* Benchimol, Jaime L., and Magali Romero Sá. "Adolpho Lutz and Controversies over the Transmission of Leprosy by Mosquitoes." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 49-93.
* Monteiro, Yara Nogueira. "Prophylaxis and Exclusion: Compulsory Isolation of Hansen's Disease Patients in São Paulo." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 95-121.
* White, Cassandra. "Carville and Curupaiti: Experiences of Confinement and Community." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 123-41.
* Hunter Smith III, Thomas. "A Monument to Lazarus: The Leprosy Hospital of Rio De Janeiro." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 143-60.
* Pandya, Shubhada S. "The First International Leprosy Conference, Berlin, 1897: The Politics of Segregation." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 161-77.
* Joseph, D. George. ""Essentially Christian, Eminently Philanthropic": The Mission to Lepers in British India." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 247-75.
* Cueto, Marcos, and José Carlos de la Puente. "Vida De Leprosa: The Testimony of a Woman Living with Hansen's Disease in the Peruvian Amazon, 1947." História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos 10 (2003): 337-60.

ブラジルのハンセン病の歴史の研究の論文集のアブストラクトに目を通す。本来は少し前に読むはずだったけれども、時間を取ることができなかった。読んでみると面白いし、もっと本格的に知りたいと思う。日本との対比についても、非常に面白そうである。一番面白そうなのは、最後に掲げられている、1947年のアマゾン地域の女性のハンセン病の女性にインタビューの復刻。これは、アブストラクトやイントロダクションは英語であるが、本体はスペイン語で書かれている。英訳とかないのかしら? なお、これらの論文はすべてネット上で公開されている。


the central structure of a social representation has a historical determination.
ブラジルでは1970年代に呼び方が leprosy から hansen's disease となった。
ハンセン病は蚊を通じて伝染すると死ぬまで信じていた一流の学者 Lutz がいた。