
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読ですが、昨日はできなかったので、今日は6ページ。pp.555-561.  「縫う」から「年齢」まで。「ぬ」と「ね」は、もともとの分量が少ないです。「ぬ」は1ページ、「ね」は5ページほど。
take out, pull out, remove, drain
Have you had any of your teeth taken out recently?
have a habit of pulling one's hair
pull the plug from the socket
take off, put on, remove, slip off
Please take off your clothes from the waist up.
Please take off your top things.
Please take all  your clothes off except your pants.
Please take your shoes and step and on the scale.
Have you noticed unusual amounts of hair loss recently?
Are you losing a lot of hair?
Is your hair falling out badly?
You may lose some of your hair during the chemotherapy, but it will only be a temporary thing.
How many diapers does your baby wet a day?
Please do not get the cast wet.
ointment, cream, lotion
apply some ointment to the cut
put some ointment on the cut
apply, put, spread, rub, lubricate
Please apply this ointment once a day after your bath.
Please apply a thin layer of this ointment to the itchy are.
Please lubricate the affected area with a generous amount of cream.
Please apply the cream generously to the affected area.
I am going to spread gel on your abdomen.
lukewarm water, tepid water
Please take a bath or a shower in lukewarm water.
thaw frozen breast milk in lukewarm water
wet, moist
use a cold, wet towel to cool down the burned area
night sweats
Do you often have night sweats?
have drenching night sweats
wake up several times in the night dripping with sweat
native, native speaker
a native speaker of English
ask a native speaker how to pronounce a word
ID band, wristband, ID bracelet
Here is your ID band.  Please make sure that your name is correct.
Please do not remove this ID band during your stay in the hospital.
desire, wish
express a strong desire to heave the hospital
his dying wish, his last wishes
I hope you get better soon.
Could you do me a favour?
turn over in bed, roll over on one's own
Let me help you turn over.
Please turn over on your stomach
Please roll onto your stomach.
How many months old was your baby when he started rolling over on his own?
stooped shoulders, stoop-shouldered, round-shouldered
He is stoop-shouldered.
Drinking a nightcap will lover the quality of your sleep.
How long has she been bedridden?
How long has she been confined to bed?
a bedridden patient
Did you crick your neck while sleeping?
Your temperature is 37.8 degrees Celsius.
shiver with fever
have no appetite due to the fever
Do you have a fever?
Are you running a fever?
Do you feel feverish?
Have you recently had a fever?
When did the fever start?
Do you have the fever at a certain time of day?
What was your temperature this morning?
How high was your temperature this morning?
Please take this medication whenever you have fever of thirty-eight degrees or more.
Your fever has gone up.
Does your temperature fluctuate during the day?
I am going to give you a medication to bring down your fever.
How many days have you had the fever?
Please see the doctor again if the fever continues for more than three days.
Please see the doctor again if your run a fever for more than three days.
Have you taken your temperature?
Please take your temperature with this thermometer.
Do you feel asleep easily?
Do you have any difficulty falling asleep?
This is a medication to help you fall asleep.
burn, burn wound, scald
place ice packs on the groin, neck, and armpits to lower the temperature of a patient with a heat illness
A lot of the medical information on the internet is inaccurate, so be sure to check with your doctor
access medical information through the internet
boiling water sterliation
Do you have sticky phlegm?
have a mucus-like vaginal discharge
Let's be patient and keep going stick with this treatment.
I really admire you for your patience.
Are you getting enough sleep?
Do you often feel sleepy during the day?
This medication may make you sleepy?
Are you a heavy sleeper?
sleep, fall asleep, doze, take a nap
How many hours do you usually sleep every night?
Do you sleep well at night?
Do you usually wake feeling refreshed?
Do you usually take a nape?
Do you usually sleep during the day?
I hope you can sleep better tonight.
Do you have any sleeping problems?
What time do you usually go do bed?
It is time to go to bed.
Please take this medication before you go to bed.
Please lie on your back on the exam table.
Please stay in bed at all times except when you need to use the toilet.
Please do not get out of bed except to use the bathroom.
When were you born?
She was born in 1985.
How long have you been in Japan?
How many times a year do you go back to India?
Please have a checkup at least once a year.
mucus, mucous, mucus-like, mutinous
have diarrhoea with mucus in it
Please fill in the date on the consent form.
Are you receiving a Japanese public pension?
live on a pension
sprain, twist
sprain/twist one's ankle
What is your annual income?
one's bowels are twisted
have twisted bowels
just to be certain, just to make sure, just in case, just to be on the safe side
I am going to do a biopsy of your colon just to be certain.
I recommend that you have a brain MRI just to make sure.
The sinus cavities are lined with mucous membranes
This disease can occur at any age.
The risk of cancer increases with age.
There is no age limit for this type of surgery.
How old were you when you have your first period.
be heavy for one's age