
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.585-587.  「発生率」から「パニック」まで。予想していなかったハイライトが「鼻」でした。鼻をめぐる多くの現象の英語をつけていました。ことに「鼻汁」がについて、その色や性状などを説明されました。奥深い観察です。
incidence rate
The incidence of breast cancer has risen.
Your child seems to be a little slow in his development, but there is no need to worry/
develop as expected/satisfactorily
develop gradually
incontinence bed pad, underpad
develop a fever, have a fever, become feverish
You cannot have the test today because you have a fever.
develop a fever suddenly
Pap smear, Papanicolaou smear test
When was your Pap smear?
hair-growing agent, hair restorer
pigeon, pigeon-breeder's lung, pigeon/chicken chest
nose, nasal, nostril
Breathe through one's nose
blow one's nose
sniffle, have a runny nose, wipe one's nose, pick one's nose
Do you have any problems with your nose?
I am going to examine your nose.
Please breathe in through your nose.
Do you have a stuffy/congested nose?
Does your nose often get blocked?
have a blocked nose, one's nose is stuffed up
have an itchy nose, one's nose tickles
nasal allergy, head cold, nasal cannula, nasal mucus, nose clip, nose hair, nasal hair, nasal voice, twang
Does he often ramble in his talk?
I would like to talk with you a little bit first.
May I talk to you for a moment?
I think this is a good time to talk about the treatment plan.
Does she often talk about the old days?
Let's talk about that after the test.
We need to discuss which treatment options are suitable for your symptoms.
Please talk it over with your family.
nasal discharge, rhinorrhea, nasal mucus, runny nose, watery nasal discharge
Do you have any discharge from the nose?
Do you have a runny nose?
Is your nose very runny?
What colour is the nasal discharge?
Is the discharge from your nose green?
Does the nasal discharge drain into the throat?
colourless, clear, white, green, greenish, yellow, yellowish
watery, thin, thick and sticky, pus-like, bloody, blood-stained, blood-tinged
speak, talk, tell, consult, discuss
Could you speak a little louder?
Could you speak more slowly?
Do you have difficulty speaking?
does she not respond when you talk to her/him?
Please try no to react emotionally to your child's way of talking.
Can you tell me more about that?
I will tell you the details later on.
talk frankly, talk candidly
Is there anything else you want to talk about.
Please feel free to tell me your troubles at any time.
Did you consult your doctor?
Is this a good time to talk?
keep away, separate, keep apart
Please keep the oxygen concentrator two meters away from heat and flame sources.
A child with measles should be kept away from his brothers and sisters.
Please let go of it.
Please release your grip on it.
Do not let go of my hand.
Please keep an eye on your child.
Do you often have nosebleeds?
Does your nose often bleed?
Have you ever had a series of nosebleeds?
have even/irregular/crooked teeth
straighten a person's teeth
have one's teeth straightened
put on dental braces
leave, separate, be apart from, stay clear, keep away
It has been seven years since she left her home country.
He lives alone in Tokyo, away from his family.
When you push the AED's shock button, make sure to stay clear of the patient.
get into a panic
be thrown into a panic
get panicky, be seized with panic, scream and cry in panice