
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.588-590.  「馬尿酸」から「腫れ」まで。
hippuric acid
mother, female parent
a single mother, an unmarried mother
one's grandmother on one's mother's side
This oxygen concentrator is three meters wide.
How wide is the scar?
I recommend that if possible, you attend the classes for expectant mothers.
toothbrush, electric toothbrush, 
Make sure to brush your teeth after meals.
How often do you brush and floss your teeth?
put on, button up, put, fit
put on one's ring
button up one's shirt
You pulse is a little fast/rapid.
You have a slightly fast pulse.
the breaths are rapid
This disease progresses quickly.
It is too early for you to leave the hospital.
You have not recovered enough to go home yet.
It is too soon to give up.
have premature ejaculation
get up early, rise early
Please take this medication early in the morning.
Your baby might be born earlier than expected.
Please try to get up and walk as soon as you can.
There is flu going around, so please take care not to catch it.
A norovirus infection is going around in this area.
abdomen, have trouble with one's stomach
the lower abdomen, side of the abdomen
The admission deposit will be refunded at the time of discharge from the hospital.
High cost medical-care expenses will be reimbursed later.
Please pay more attention to your blood pressure.
Do you find it difficult to keep your balance?
Can you balance yourself on one foot?
a well-balanced meal/diet
get a nutritional balance
staple, needle, stitch
insert a needle, take out a needle, put five stitches/staples in the cut
a barrier-free bathroom
remodel the house to be barrier-free
have a barium meal before a stomach X-ray
Barium may cause constipation.
Please drink lots of fluids to expel the barium from your body.
Do you feel as if your abdomen is bloated with gas?
Do you feel gassy?
feel stiff in the shoulders
have stiff shoulders
the breasts become hard and swollen with milk
apply to, put on, attach to
Please apply a cold compress to your shoulder.
I am going to attach electrodes to your chest.
Balloon angioplasty is a procedure in which a narrowed blood vessel is dilated with a balloon catheter.
This pulse oximetre measures the level of oxygen in your blood.
Do you have any lumps o swelling in any area of your body?
Puffiness of the face, hands, or legs may be a sign that your body is retaining too much fluid.
The swelling is getting worse.