covid-19 と女性首相

明日はジェンダー論の授業。この授業の面白い部分は長沖先生といい感じの論争をすることができること。授業のための打ち合わせをするときに、covid-19 でパフォーマンスが良い国は女性首相が多いということが話題になった。ちょっと調べてみたところ、それは当たっていないというか、covid-19 を論じるときの焦点ではない。


1 シンガポール リー・シェンロン 男性
2 日本 安倍晋三 男性
3 スイス ウェリ・マウラー 男性
4 韓国 文在寅 男性
5 ノルウェイ エルナ・ソルベルグ 女性
6 香港 林鄭月娥 女性
7 アイスランド カトリーン・ヤコブスドッチル 女性
8 デンマーク メッテ・フレドリクセン 女性
9 オランダ マルク・ルッテ 男性
10 オーストリア アレクサンダー・ファン・デア・ベレン 男性





医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.588-590.  「馬尿酸」から「腫れ」まで。
hippuric acid
mother, female parent
a single mother, an unmarried mother
one's grandmother on one's mother's side
This oxygen concentrator is three meters wide.
How wide is the scar?
I recommend that if possible, you attend the classes for expectant mothers.
toothbrush, electric toothbrush, 
Make sure to brush your teeth after meals.
How often do you brush and floss your teeth?
put on, button up, put, fit
put on one's ring
button up one's shirt
You pulse is a little fast/rapid.
You have a slightly fast pulse.
the breaths are rapid
This disease progresses quickly.
It is too early for you to leave the hospital.
You have not recovered enough to go home yet.
It is too soon to give up.
have premature ejaculation
get up early, rise early
Please take this medication early in the morning.
Your baby might be born earlier than expected.
Please try to get up and walk as soon as you can.
There is flu going around, so please take care not to catch it.
A norovirus infection is going around in this area.
abdomen, have trouble with one's stomach
the lower abdomen, side of the abdomen
The admission deposit will be refunded at the time of discharge from the hospital.
High cost medical-care expenses will be reimbursed later.
Please pay more attention to your blood pressure.
Do you find it difficult to keep your balance?
Can you balance yourself on one foot?
a well-balanced meal/diet
get a nutritional balance
staple, needle, stitch
insert a needle, take out a needle, put five stitches/staples in the cut
a barrier-free bathroom
remodel the house to be barrier-free
have a barium meal before a stomach X-ray
Barium may cause constipation.
Please drink lots of fluids to expel the barium from your body.
Do you feel as if your abdomen is bloated with gas?
Do you feel gassy?
feel stiff in the shoulders
have stiff shoulders
the breasts become hard and swollen with milk
apply to, put on, attach to
Please apply a cold compress to your shoulder.
I am going to attach electrodes to your chest.
Balloon angioplasty is a procedure in which a narrowed blood vessel is dilated with a balloon catheter.
This pulse oximetre measures the level of oxygen in your blood.
Do you have any lumps o swelling in any area of your body?
Puffiness of the face, hands, or legs may be a sign that your body is retaining too much fluid.
The swelling is getting worse.


日本の精神病院の庭というと、多くの人が松沢病院の将軍池を思い出すだろう。1920年代に医師である加藤普佐次郎が男性患者たちを指導して、移転したばかりの松沢病院に大きな庭園を造った。おそらく蘆原将軍にちなんで「将軍池」と呼ばれている。もともとは池の向こうに富士山を見るという構図で、静岡の日本平ホテルが有名である。ただ、庭園を造っている最中に関東大震災が起きて、将軍池の山が崩れてしまったという。それでも将軍池は日本の庭園師にも愛されており、原田治郎が 1930年前後にJapanese Gardens のようなタイトルの英語の著書を書き、この書物は英語圏で非常に熱心に読まれていたという。そこで原田が松沢病院の将軍池について素晴らしいと書いているとのこと。これらの史実をもう一度きちんと把握しよう。
Davison, Fiona. The Hidden Horticulturists: The Untold Story of the Men Who Shaped Britain's Gardens. Atlantic Books, 2019.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.585-587.  「発生率」から「パニック」まで。予想していなかったハイライトが「鼻」でした。鼻をめぐる多くの現象の英語をつけていました。ことに「鼻汁」がについて、その色や性状などを説明されました。奥深い観察です。
incidence rate
The incidence of breast cancer has risen.
Your child seems to be a little slow in his development, but there is no need to worry/
develop as expected/satisfactorily
develop gradually
incontinence bed pad, underpad
develop a fever, have a fever, become feverish
You cannot have the test today because you have a fever.
develop a fever suddenly
Pap smear, Papanicolaou smear test
When was your Pap smear?
hair-growing agent, hair restorer
pigeon, pigeon-breeder's lung, pigeon/chicken chest
nose, nasal, nostril
Breathe through one's nose
blow one's nose
sniffle, have a runny nose, wipe one's nose, pick one's nose
Do you have any problems with your nose?
I am going to examine your nose.
Please breathe in through your nose.
Do you have a stuffy/congested nose?
Does your nose often get blocked?
have a blocked nose, one's nose is stuffed up
have an itchy nose, one's nose tickles
nasal allergy, head cold, nasal cannula, nasal mucus, nose clip, nose hair, nasal hair, nasal voice, twang
Does he often ramble in his talk?
I would like to talk with you a little bit first.
May I talk to you for a moment?
I think this is a good time to talk about the treatment plan.
Does she often talk about the old days?
Let's talk about that after the test.
We need to discuss which treatment options are suitable for your symptoms.
Please talk it over with your family.
nasal discharge, rhinorrhea, nasal mucus, runny nose, watery nasal discharge
Do you have any discharge from the nose?
Do you have a runny nose?
Is your nose very runny?
What colour is the nasal discharge?
Is the discharge from your nose green?
Does the nasal discharge drain into the throat?
colourless, clear, white, green, greenish, yellow, yellowish
watery, thin, thick and sticky, pus-like, bloody, blood-stained, blood-tinged
speak, talk, tell, consult, discuss
Could you speak a little louder?
Could you speak more slowly?
Do you have difficulty speaking?
does she not respond when you talk to her/him?
Please try no to react emotionally to your child's way of talking.
Can you tell me more about that?
I will tell you the details later on.
talk frankly, talk candidly
Is there anything else you want to talk about.
Please feel free to tell me your troubles at any time.
Did you consult your doctor?
Is this a good time to talk?
keep away, separate, keep apart
Please keep the oxygen concentrator two meters away from heat and flame sources.
A child with measles should be kept away from his brothers and sisters.
Please let go of it.
Please release your grip on it.
Do not let go of my hand.
Please keep an eye on your child.
Do you often have nosebleeds?
Does your nose often bleed?
Have you ever had a series of nosebleeds?
have even/irregular/crooked teeth
straighten a person's teeth
have one's teeth straightened
put on dental braces
leave, separate, be apart from, stay clear, keep away
It has been seven years since she left her home country.
He lives alone in Tokyo, away from his family.
When you push the AED's shock button, make sure to stay clear of the patient.
get into a panic
be thrown into a panic
get panicky, be seized with panic, scream and cry in panice


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.582-584.  「パス染色」から「発声障害」まで。
PAS stain, PAS staining
come off, come undone
This button is about to come off.
The handle of this instrument comes off easily, so please use it with care.
You have dislocated your shoulder.
skin, dry skin, rough skin, ichthyosis, oily skin, greasy skin
sensitive skin, rough dry skin
Do the symptoms follow a set of pattern?
Have there been any changes in your sleeping patterns?
Have you sleep patterns changed?
Please take off all your clothes from the waist up and put on this gown.
Please take off all your clothes from the waist down and put on these exam shorts.
walk barefoot
walk without any shoes on
Please take your shoes off.
Please remove your shoes.
the pumping function of the heart is poor.
Are you currently working?
Are you working now?
Haw many hours a week do you work?
Have you been working too hard recently?
Have you been overworking yourself recently?
get sick from overwork
work part-time
work in a factory
Your kidneys are functioning normally.
hornet, wasp, bee
get stung by a bee
allergic reactions caused by hornet 
hornet/wasp sting
You should eat moderately.
Your child is growing well.
be not growing properly
grow slowly
Please pronounce it more slowly.
How do you pronounce your name?
sweating, perspeiration
mental sweating, sweating disorder
carcino-genesis, carcinogenic, cancer-causing 
remove a tube from the windpipe
Can you hear me clearly?
Can you see the letters clearly, or do they look blurred?
The cause of this disease is not clear.
I cannot say for sure, but you will probably be able to leave the hospital next week.
Is your child still confused?
She is fully conscious.
Can I have a definite answer by tomorrow?
The number of white blood cells is increasing/rising.
This treatment will cause the number of while blood cells to go down.
find/detect cancer in its early stages
find a lump in one's neck
a medical discovery
speech, utterance
We will issue your hospital ID right away, so please wait here.
release/let off one's stress 
remove stitches, take out stitches, suture removal
I am going to remove the stitches today.
onset of a disease, development, outbreak, rash, start, develop
When did the headache start?
The symptoms of this disease develop develop immediately after infection.
A new strain of influenza might break out.
an outbreak of food poisoning
mass outbreak, developmental anomaly, developmental genetics
speech, voice
It is a polyp on your vocal cords that is causing you to have difficulty speaking
voice disorder



実佳から BBCの記事を教わったのですが、日本で「アマビエ」という妖怪が、covid-19 の大流行の後に、170年以上の長い睡眠から覚めたという、楽しいのか意味不明なのか分からないニュース。


「アマビエ」という妖怪の名前を聞くのは恥ずかしながら初めてで、wikipedia のオタク的な記述がいつものパターンで楽しい。もともとは幕末期に熊本の海に現れた妖怪で防疫の力があったと語ったとのこと。その知らせが幕府に伝えられたとのこと。その後時々出ては来るが、別の名前ではないかとのこと。なぜか分からないけれども世界に現れてしまったとのこと。







その中で、Covid-19に関連して面白い記事。「天然痘は(突然変異によって)再び現れるか」と問われたことがあって、それから色々と考えている。たまたま今日のエスプレッソで、DNAを vertical と horizontal の二つの方向で考えた時に、horizontal が意外に大きいという記事があった。親からもらう DNA を vertical、自分が生きている世代や、別の種からもらって体内に保存される DNA を horizontal と考えると、その比率はどのくらいかという実験である。私は非常に少ないだろうなと本当に漠然と考えていたが、藻類の一種とバクテリアで実験してみたところ、1%のDNAはバクテリアからもらった vertical なものであるとのこと。 1% という数字は、これも超漠然だけれども、非常に多い。もちろん天然痘とは何の関係もないが、いい本を読んで、理論を理解して、実験の映像や調査の過程などを見て、勉強しておこう。

