
Frank, Anne. Adaptedby Ari Folman.  Illustrated b David Polonsky. (2018). Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation. New York, Pantheon Books.
As you [=Diary Miss Kitty] can see, I'm currently in the middle of a depression.  I couldn't really tell you what set it off, but I think it stems from my cowardice, which confronts me at every turn.  I have been taking valerian every day to fight the anxiety and depression.
うつ病で、薬はヴァレリアン (valerian).  このヴァレリアンが何かが少し問題である。マンガではアンネ・フランクは錠剤を飲んでいる。今のうつ病に対してパキシルでもなんでもいいから錠剤を飲むという感じである。しかし、ヴァレリアンそのものは、中世のチョーサーが初出の、ヨーロッパの中で有名な薬草である。不眠症や精神不安に現在でも使っていい薬草である。この日本名はセイヨウカノコソウ。日本にはカノコソウがあり、根と球根は吉草根(きっそうこん)または纈草根(けっそうこん)という生薬になり、日本薬局方に収録されておりヒステリーなどに対する鎮静作用、睡眠の改善作用、リラックス効果があるという。
c1386   Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Prol. & Tale 800   And herbes couthe I telle eek many oon, As egrimoigne, valirian, and lunarie.
c1400   Lanfranc's Cirurg. 269   Poudre maad of þe rotis of valarian temperid wiþ wijn.
a1425   Edward, Duke of York Master of Game (Digby) xii   An herbe..þat men calleth..in oure langage valeryane, þe whiche maketh men fnese.
1530   J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 284/1   Valeryan an herbe.
1578   H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 339   There be two sortes of Valerian, the garden and wilde.
1597   J. Gerard Herball ii. 918   Generally, the Valerians are called by one name.
1612   M. Drayton Poly-olbion xiii. 218   Valerian then he crops, and purposely doth stampe, T' apply vnto the place that's haled with the Crampe.
1664   J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense 67 in Sylva   May..Flowers in Prime... Tulips..Valerian, Veronica.
1764   Philos. Trans. 1763 (Royal Soc.) 53 199   The roots of Valerian are esteemed most medicinal, which are dug up in Oxfordshire and Glocestershire.
1782   J. Scott Poet. Wks. 100   Gay loosestrife there and pale valerian spring.
1823   C. Lamb Praise of Chimney-sweepers in Elia 252   No less pleased than those domestic animals—cats—when they purr over a new-found sprig of valerian.
1866   J. Lindley & T. Moore Treasury Bot. II. 1201/1   Two Valerians are natives of this country.
1882   Garden 25 Mar. 204/2   Any one requiring a useful plant for some semi-wild garden ought to give the Valerian a trial.


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