
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日は2日分でpp.334-339.  「主任」から「状況」まで。
person in charge, charge, head
duty of confidentiality, doctor-patient confidentiality, 
duty to keep patient records confidentiality, duty to protect patient confidentiality
homemaker, housewife, househusband
pastime, hobby
What are your hobbies?
life span, lifespan
This surgery will prolong his life
average life span
You have a key/leading role in the treatment, so try to be more positive about it.
main, chief, major, key, leading
the main symptoms of Parkinson disease
tumour, neoplasm, onco-
You have a tumour in your stomach, but the test findings don't show any signs of malignancy.
The tumour is still small enough that we can remove it using an endoscope.
The tumour puts pressure on the nerves and causes and pain and paralysis.
This medication will probably shrink the tumour.
First, let's shrink the tumour as much as possible with radiation therapy.
acceptance of disability
accept death
Your tumour marker level has gone down with treatment.
the tumour marker level goes up
measure tumour markers for evaluation of the treatment
tumour, mass
cauliflower-like tumour
abdominal tumour
How much do you drink a day?
It seems to me that you drink a little too much.
You will take two kinds of medication.
This type of illness is quite common.
What kind of exercise do you do?
sing language
manual language
talk by language
Please tell me what happened in order, from the beginning.
We call your names in order of arrival.
list/arrange words in alphabetical order
in order of age
in a-i-u-e-o order
Do you get dizzy the moment when you get up suddenly from a sitting position?
a sharp momentary pain
circulate, circulatory, cucle
have good/bad/poor blood circulation
This medication will improve your circulation.
vicious cycle, blood circulation
circulatory organ
associate nurse, assistant nurse
momentary, moment, instant, fleeting
a momentary/fleeting pain
respond to stimulus instantly
observe, obey, abide by, comply with, in compliance with, in accordance with
Please observe the hospital regulations.
We are conducting this clinical trail in compliance with the Japanese ethical guidelines for clinical studies.
We give this treatment based on the guidelines of the medical society.
Everything is fine.
Are your menstrual periods normal/regular?
You baby is developing as expected.
It things go well, you will be able to leave the hospital in a week.
This implant made of high-purity titanium.   
You quickly adapted yourself to your environment, didn't you?
We will call your name when your turn comes.
Patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
Come in in turn, please.
Some patients may be seen out of order of arrival owing to the severity of their condition.
Please count down from one hundred subtracting seven each time.
prepare, get ready
You will find information about what to prepare for admission to the hospital in this brochure.
To prepare for your surgery, I am going to shave your abdomen.
work the evening shift
work on the evening shift
Please use the inhaler regularly.
Do not stop taking the medication on your own.
The restroom is occupied right now.
dispose of used needles
Exam gowns are available in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
Do you think that your current job does not suit you.
Does you skin chap easily?
Do you have dry skin?
Do you tend to be an anxious or nervous person?
three hundred-bed hospital
Please take two of these tablets at a time.
room temperature
keep the medication at room temperature
Do you have problems with your digestion?
This medication aids/stimulate digestion.
Please eat light meals that are easy to digest.  
Let me introduce you to your roommate.  This is Ms Kaneko.
Let me introduce you.  I am Dr Sasaki, your anaesthesiologist.
I am going to refer you to a lung specialist for consultation.
I am going to ask the person in charge about this, so please wait here for a while.
disability, disorder, disturbances, impairment, dysfunction, problem, trouble, obstacle, defect
have a physical/an intellectual disability
be physically/intellectually disabled
have a kidney disorder
The left side of her body has been paralysed since she had a brain haemorrhage.
disability compensation benefit
degree of disability
disability employees' pension
accident insurance
live a happy life
This treatment usually has to be continued indefinitely.
child with a learning disability
emotional disturbed child
child with a physical disability
child with an intellectual disability
person with a disability/disabilities
disabled child, challenged child
visually impaired/challenged person
person with a physical disability
mentally disabled person
intellectually disabled person
person with  a hearing impairment
deaf person
facility for people with disabilities
I will be happy to write a referral letter to a breast surgeon.
Do you have a referral letter from your family doctor?
If you do not have a referral letter, you will have to pay an extra charge of five thousand yen.
I am going to insert air to expand your digestive tract, so please do not belch.
gastroenterology, gastroenterologist
pineal gland
indigestion, dyspepsia, dyspeptic
get indigestion
What kind of food or drink cause your indigestion?
laughing gas, nitrous oxide
Please do not use the medication after its use-by-date has passed.
You can use the medication if it is sealed and within its use-by-date.
situation, circumstances, state, status
The aneurysm is still very small, so let's leave it for now and keep an eye on the situation.
In what situations do you feel stressed?
Judging from your present condition, it would be better for you not to leave the hospital yet.
It seems that she does not understand her situation.