
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読ですが、今日は9ページも読みました(笑)pp.594-602.  「伴性遺伝」から「皮脂」まで。
This disease is inherited through the sex chromosomes.
She was taken by ambulance to the hospital's emergency room.
She was brought to the hospital's emergency room.
take the patient in a stretcher/by wheelchair.
put a Band-Aid on the cut
put an adhesive tape on the cut
I am going to put this Band-Aid on your arm, so could you hold it down for a few minutes?
Please turn over.
Please turn your body to the opposite side.
Let me look at the opposite leg.
Let me measure the vision in the other eye.
I am going to give you the injection in the arm you do not write use.
The restroom is across from the hallway.
The main reason why she is opposed to the treatment is its cost.
I hate to object to your plan, but you should wait a while before travelling by plane.
I am against smoking.
Judging from the X-ray results, you have nothing to worry about.   
I will leave it to you to decide.
You made the right decision.
Atypical carcinoid tumours are classified under the category of malignant tumours.
Your influenza test has proved positive.
spot, dot, blemish, speck, floater, macula
band, bracelet, binder, strap, belt, support, brace
attach the ID band to one's wrist
wear a chest strap
have a headache that feels like a tight band around the head
Please come and see me again within six months.
It will take about half a year for you to recover completely.
The patients' association is held twice a year.
handle, handlebars, steering wheel
reaction, react, response, feedback
Have you ever had an allergic reaction?
have a sensitivity to the medication
trigger a reaction
The pupils are dilated and do not react to light.
generalised, universal, disseminated, diffuse
late, delayed
repetitive, recurrent, episodic
brochure, pamphlet, booklet
For further information, please read this brochure on diabetes
For your information, here is a leaflet about diet therapy.
This brochure is free of charge.
This booklet gives details about how to prepare for your hospital stay.  
reduce the amount of the medication by half
halve the amount of the medication
cult/split/divide the tablet in half
become clear, turn out, prove
The cause of your symptom has become clear from the test results.
The organism that is causing your pneumonia is still unclear.
We do not yet know what is causing your pneumonia.
You will get the results of the blood test soon.
The polyp proved to be benign.
The medical associations and specialists argue against this article.
BMI is a measure for estimating obesity, obtained by dividing weight in kilograms by height in metres squared.
BMI estimates obesity by dividing weight in kilograms by height in metres squared.
Your have a BMI of thirty-two, which indicates obesity.
BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight.
peak expiratory flow, PEF
A peak flow test measures how fast you can breathe air out of your lungs.
the maximum speed at which you can exhale air from your lungs
have the tuberculosis vaccine
have a BCG shot
be vaccinated against tuberculosis
Do your hands and feet often get cold?
Do you often have cold hands and feet?
cause serious damage
suffer psychological damage
feel victimised
have a feeling of being victimised
rape victim
victim of sexual harassment
This surgery is a same-day procedure.
You can go home the day of this surgery.
one-day comprehensive physical checkup
cut down on, be moderate, refrain from, avoid
Please cut down on your water salt.
Be moderate in your water salt intake.
You should not drink alcohol.
Please refrain from sexual activity.
Let's compare these two X-ray films.
Compared with the last result, this one is much better.
This disease is comparatively rare.
This type of disease develops at a relatively fast/slow speed.
put on some abdominal fat
subcutaneous fat obesity
bleeding under the skin surface
subcutaneous belling, bruise
Do you bruise easily?
Do you bleed under the skin easily?
Do you tend to get blood spots under the skin?
give a subcutaneous/hypodermic injection
inactive, physically inactive
Can you see a light?
I am going to shine this penlight into your eyes, so please look straight ahead.
Please follow the flashing light with your eye.
noninvasive, closed reduction
noninfectious, aseptic, aseptic wound
pessimistic and optimistic,  negative and positive
be pessimistic about the disease
think pessimistically about the disease
take a pessimistic attitude toward one's illness
put up one's undershirt
I am happy to take care of your child while the doctor sees you.
Did anything trigger your asthma symptoms?
shut-in, recluse from society, social withdrawal, dissociation, self-confinement at home, refusal to leave home
shut oneself up, shut oneself off, withdraw
shut oneself up in one's home
What made your son withdraw into himself?
share information about patient at shift change
transfer patient data between shifts
hand over
From tomorrow, my colleague Dr Kato will take charge of your care.
We are continuing to try to identify what is causing the problem, so please give me a little more time.
a cramp, cramp up, have tics, spasms, twitch
Have you ever had any muscle cramps or twitching?
Which muscle cramps up?
get a cramp in the leg
disconjugate, incomitant 
disconjugate eye movement
incomitant strabismus
pull, draw, subtract
Pull this knob and the cabinet will open.
If you subtract seven from one hundred, what do you get?
Please count down from one hundred minus sevens.
The swelling is going down
The fever has gone down.
low, short, low, low-pitched
eat low-calorie food
be short for his age
Do you have difficulty hearing low^pitched sounds and voices
speak in a low voice
beard, moustache, whiskers
have a shave
Please stay still while I am shaving your face.
Will you shave yourself?
The secret of good health is to go to bed early and to get up early in the morning.
send/pick up/receive nonverbal messanges
communicate non-verbally
miss a nonverbal cue
delinquency, children who turn to delinquency
show signs of delinquency
juvenile delinquency
Have you recently flown in an air plane?
get airsick, airsickness
pityriasis, dunfruff
extend one's knees
scrape one's knees
fall onto one's knees
the knee buckles
Do you have any knee problems?
Do your knees hurt?
Do you have any knee paint?
Do you have difficulty kneeling?
Excess water has built up in and around the knee.
We can drain/remove the water fluid from the knee for quick relief, but it may build up again.
Please bend your knees and relax your abdomen.
Please flex your knees slight and bring them toward your chest.
check the reflexes by tapping a person's knee
Her visa has expired.
Your visa is going to expire soon, so you should renew it right away.
a valid visa
visa for medical stay
fine, minimal, fine movement, fine motor skills, fine tremor, minimal brain dysfunction