
医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.468-470.  「血」から「蓄膿症」まで。
bleed, blood spurts from, cough up blood.
There is some blood mixed in the urine.
Your gums are bleeding.
The bandage is stained with blood.
The wound has stopped bleeding.
The bleeding does not stop.
take a blood sample
a blood-related family member
a close blood relative
There is a small stone in your kidney.
Can you speak in a lower voice so as not to disturb the other patients?
have you had this mark every since you were little a child?
Please turn down the TV.
have a cheesy discharge
Before you have the test, let me just check your name and date of birth.
Please check that there are no omissions.
Please check any of the following symptoms you are experiencing.
delayed, prolonged, restriction, retardation, hesitancy
prolonged awakening
delayed growth
The hospital shop is located in the basement.
Please use the elevator to get to the laboratory on basement level two.
Do you have difficulty seeing things close up?
sit very close to the TV screen
go to one's nearby hospital as an outpatient
It is almost time for the baby to be born.
your medical expenses will const approximately one hundred thousand yen.
have to go to the bathroom often
pass urine often
This is more like a recreational activity than a training activity.
There is not a big difference between these two methods.
There is a distinctive difference between these two treatments.
Although they share many of the same symptoms, asthma and COPD are different.
Asthma differs from COPD
The symptoms differ from person to person.
I do not agree with you on that point.
Have you noticed any abnormal sensations?
space perception, delusional perception, abnormal sensation
Are your eyes irritated and painful?
Do you have any visual symptoms such as flashing lights followed by severe headache?
Your due date is coming soon.  Are you worried about anything?
Please eat a lot of nutritious food to build up your strength.
Do your legs feel weak?
Please tighten your arm muscles.
Please push my hands with all your strength.
Please relax your muscles.
Please let your body go limp and take a deep breath.
I will do to the best of may ability.
We did everything we could, but I am sorry we were not able to revive him/her.
The most important thing to cure this illness is your own determination/will-power to overcome it.
Please do it by yourself.
Please stay beside her to support her.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
I am sorry that I cannot help you.
replace, substitute
joint replacement
accumulate, accumulated, cumulative, build up
tingle, sting, prickle, prick, smart
a tingling/prickly pain
There will be a little prick.
You will feel a slight prick.
It will sting a little.
For the urine test/urinalysis, please collect and store all your urine for the next three days.
Please collect your urine in this cup and store it in the container provided.
twenty-four-hour urine collection
chronic sinusitis


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.464-467.  「担癌」(たんがん)から「談話室」まで。
tumour-bearing patient
Are you planning to stay in Japan for a short period of time?
If treated properly, you will recover from your illness in a short period of time.
Do you see yourself as a short-tempered person?
Please do not be in such a rush.  Let's continue patiently with the treatment.
The floor is uneven, so please watch your step.
The surgery will be over in a short time.
Do you feel like you sleep for only a short time?
If you are short on time, you can do a short workout.
I am going to ask you some simple arithmetic questions.
Congratulations on your new baby!
Many happy returns of the day!
He has taken a new post and lives in Japan by himself/leaving his family behind.
I am afraid you have gall-stones.
I am your nurse, Yoko Kato.  Your doctor will be Dr Toshio Ueda.
My name is Dr Suzuki, and I am going to be the doctor in charge of your care.
I will call your doctor right away.
You can expect a much better outcome if you use a combination of a few different anticancer medications rather than a single medication.
Don't dismiss a migraine as just a headache.
Do not make light of a migraine as just a headache.
It is just only a rumour.
You do not have to stop breastfeeding if you don't want to.
I am sorry but we must give up surgery or more aggressive treatment.
There is some protein in your urine.
Please try to eat meals that are high in protein and low in calories.
lounge, day room


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.461-463.  「試す」から「胆管」まで。
Please try out this medication and see how it works.
Let us give it a try.
hesitation mark, tentative wound
What is the biggest reason that makes you hesitate?
Please use this bag to store all your urine.
Please store all your urine in this bag/container.
keep, hold, maintain, stay, remain
Please stretch your arms out to the sides and hold them at shoulder level.
This hospital is kept at a comfortable temperature year-round.
Do you have someone you can turn to for help?
Please squeeze one drop of this eye lotion into each eye four times a day.
It is quite normal for a baby to droop a lot at this age.
lack, be deficient
It seems you have an iron deficiency.
It seems you lack iron.
You can buy any items you may need at the hospital shop.
Do you cough up a lot of phlegm?
This fruit is rich in vitamin C.
take a large/heavy dose of sleeping pills
Two or three pairs of pyjamas will be enough during your stay in the hospital. 
I am going to prescribe you enough medications to last until your next visit to the outpatient clinic.
Is the baby getting enough breast milk?
feel tired, feel sluggish, feel lethargic, feel weak, feel heavy
Do you feel tired and sluggish?
Do your legs feel heavy?
Since when have you been feeling sluggish/lethargic?
Who came to see you today?
Who is going to accompany you?
Who is taking care of you?
Did you talk that over with anybody?
Is there someone who can come with you to the hospital and take you home again?
Do you have someone to rely on/turn to?
Do you know who I am?
Can you tell me who I am?
I will not tell this to anybody, so please don't worry.
Any family member will be fine.
Anybody would do the same thing.
Who do you live with?
Who are you looking for?
foul-smelling phlegm, a productive couch, a cough that brings up phlegm
Do you cough up phlegm?
How much phlegm do you cough up each day?
Have you coughed up bloody phlegm?
There is phlegm caught in her throat.
Please collect the phlegm sample in the early morning before breakfast.
Please cough up some phlegm into this cup.
I am going to draw the clogged-up phlegm out of your throat.
clear, white, whitish, green, greenish yellow, yellowish, pinkish, bright red, dark red, dark-coloured, reddish brown, rusty, red, grey 
thin, thick, serous, sticky, viscous, mucous, mucoid, purulent, pus-like, frothy, foamy, blood-stained, blood-streaked
odourless, unpleasant, foul-smelling, bad-smelling
The cancer is still in its early stages.
Let us take the treatment one step at a time.
Let's take it slow and proceed down the treatment path step by step.
bile duct


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.458-460.  「たどたどしい」から「ダメージ」まで。
walk with unsteady/faltering steps
You may have been bitten by a tick.
The droppings and carcasses of dust mites in your house may be causing your allergy.
When are at your happiest?
When do you feel most happy?
Do you enjoy playing computer games?
Seeing our patients smile is our joy.
It is our pleasure to see patient smile.
What you do most enjoy doing?
I am looking forward to seeing you again.
Can you do me a favour?
Smoking is prohibited anywhere inside the hospital.
Have you ever smoked?
How old were you when you started smoking?
Smoking increases the risk of heart disease and cancer.
You should realise that smoking is also harmful to those around you.
There are medications that can help you quit smoking.
Do you see double?
I am sorry, but the same tests have been booked for the same time slot, so I am going to cancel one of them.
Do not take grapefruit with this medication as harmful problems might occur.
It is not wise to let children eat a lot of fast food.
If you son has difficulty swallowing sold foods, please feed him soft foods such as jello or pudding.
Are you allergic to any foods?
Do you have any food allergies?
Are there any foods you should not eat for religious reasons?
What kind of food do you like?
What do you usually eat?
What did you have for breakfast?
Is there anything you can't eat?
Please do not eat or drink anything for two hours before the test.
induce vomiting after eating
You are bruised, but there is nothing wrong with the bone.
Are you allergic to eggs?
A large amount of water has built up in your knee, so let us remove it to help relieve the pain.
Pus seems to have build up in the wound.
Do you have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning because you are too tired?
It seems you have had a lot of stress.
Your are concerned that your work may pile up while you are in the hospital, aren't you?
Just listening to his complaints quietly gives him a lot of comfort.
Does your son often stay in his room without saying anything to anyone?
Would you rather i did not mention his to your family?
Do you want me to keep this a secret from your family?
Please don't leave the hospital without permission.
It will be good for your health if you take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Strenuous exercise will do you no good.
I tried various approaches, but they were no good.
You should not drink alcohol tonight.
Smoking can cause serious damage to your heart.
suffer terrible psychological damage.


医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.453-457.  「立ち合い出産」から「たとえば」まで。
Would you like to have your husband/partner in the delivery room?
Would you like to be with your wife in the delivery room?
I was with her in her last moments.
I was present at her deathbed.
Do you feel dizzy when you stand up quickly?
Do you have difficulty rising from a chair?
I am sorry if I am being too personal, but my questions are important for diagnosing and treating your illness.
Do you often get dizzy when you stand up suddenly?
I am not in a position to say anything definite, so please ask your doctor about that.
When deciding about life support measures, ask yourself what she would want.
If you courageously face your illness with determination, you will certainly conquer it.
Can you stand alone without support?
Do you find it difficult to keep standing?
Please stand on one leg with your eyes closed.
As time goes by, it will be less painful.
How long has it been since you had the surgery?
Have you ever dislocated a bone?
You have dislocated your right shoulder.
You have moderate/mild/severe dehydration.
Physical fatigue and a rapid heart beat are signs of dehydration.
To avoid becoming dehydrated, please drink lots of fluids and take enough salt.
come out of critical condition
be no longer in critical condition
Please hold on for just a few minutes more.  You will be finished soon.
Dr Ueda has just come back to his office.
Please eat plenty of vegetables.
Please apply a generous amount of moisturiser to your skin to prevent it from drying.
It will take three full days for the wound to heal.
Have you noticed any hair loss?
You will probably lose your hair during the treatment?
The hair loss is a temporary side effect of the chemotherapy; it will grow back after the treatment.
The cause of hair loss is not fully understood yet.
I am afraid that you have got a skin rash from using a hair removal product.
Do you feel excessively tired?
Do your muscles feel weak?
This apparatus is fifteen centimetres long, ten centimetres wide, three centimetres deep, and weights five hundred grams.
longitudinal fold of the duodenum
A lot of patients are still waiting their turn, so could you wait just a bit more?
We are busy all next week, so I am afraid we cannot give you and appointment.
Please lie on your back, put your knees up, and relax your abdomen.
First, let set up a short term goal that won't be so difficult to achieve.
Let's think about this logically.
What are you angry at?
The judgement was valid.
I think the emergency treatment Dr Okawa gave was appropriate.
Have you recently taken any medications?  Any painkillers, for example?
Have you had any stomach trouble, such as nausea or vomiting?
Please let me know if you have any other concerns - for example, about your family life or work.


昨日のエコノミストエスプレッソ。昨日も楽しかった。イギリスのフットボールの階級制を描いたドラマや、日本の鮨や刺身に住むアニサキスという寄生虫のおかげで、この50年間の汚染度が300倍近くになったとか、いずれも楽しくて面白い。しかし今週は『マイ・ダーク・ヴァネッサ』という小説について。ケイト・エリザベス・ラッセルという作家のデビュー作である。内容は17歳の少女ヴァネッサと42歳の教師ストレインの間に起きた優しい恋愛とセックスのエピソード。そして、それと同じような話が17年後に繰り返されて一大スキャンダルになること。それを見つめる34歳のヴァネッサ。非常に鋭く面白い小説になり、2020年はこの作品が席捲するだろうとのこと。それは別にして、私はもちろん Kindle で買いました。今仕上げている論文を書き終えたら、熱心に読みます!









医療英会話キーワード辞典。一日3ページずつ音読。今日はpp.452-454.  「託児所」から「ただれる」まで。
child daycare facility centre, day nursery, child daycare room
It is a callus that has formed because of excessive sucking of her/her finger thumb.
sure, certain, accurate, definite, correct, right
I am sorry but I cannot say for sure.
I am sure of it.
Dr Ide is definitely a very skilled doctor.
Drinking alcohol is definitely bad for health.
I theory, what you say is right, but in practice, things do not work out that way.
make sure, be certain, check, confirm
We need to run some tests to make sure.
Please confirm that this is your name.
multiple cancer, multiple infection, multiple personalities
tap, sound, examine by percussion, sound out
Let me sound your chest.
Let me tap on your chest.
We have to sound out the patient's feeling about the treatment first.
pass, drain, run, dribble, put out, take out, pump, move, push
Please let this saliva dribble from your mouth.
Please do not put the trash out in the hallway.  Let the staff take care of it.
You cannot take hospital equipment out.
Your stomach's ability to pump food into the bowel is poor.
let a person see, show, put out, hold out
May I see your ID card?
I am going to examine your lungs, so could you show me your chest?
Please roll up your sleeve and put out your arm.
hand in, submit, disclose
Could you have in your written consent from application for admission?
We never disclose a patient's personal/private information without his/her consent.
It is all right if you need a little more time to come to a decision.
It is all right if you put off coming to a decision.
I can give you some advice, but only you can find the answer to this problem.
I am going to give you a piece of advice, but you have to solve the problem.
If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to tell us.
Please give it all your strength.
Cheer up!  We are here to support you.
Please stop shouting/yelling.
I am going to give you a medication for your gastritis.
live, survive, recover, be saved, be helpful
She has regained consciousness, so I am sure she will live.
I am afraid he may not survive.
Without this surgery, she has no chance of survival.
He has a fifty-fifty chance of survival.
If you could do that for me, it would be a great help.
help, assist, aid, give support, save, rescue
If you have any trouble, do you have anyone nearby who can help you?
Please let me know when you need any help.
This medication is good for digestion.
ask, inquire
May I ask you some questions?
If you have any questions about your illness or treatment, please feel free to ask your doctor.
Please ask the nurse about the procedure.
He is in critical condition due to multiple organ failure, meaning that various organs of his body are not functioning.
just only
It is probably just a common cold.
Rather than just cutting down on the amount of food you eat, you should also do light exercise.
multiple birth offspring
fight against, battle with, struggle with
She is fighting bravely against cancer.
The treatment of myocardial or cerebral infarction is a race against the clock.
tap, knock, slap, hit, strike
Let me tap your spine.
Let me check the reflexes by tapping your knee.
right, correct, good, accurate, proper
What you say is quite right.
assume a good posture
explain the proper way to use the inhaler
need more accurate information
right away, at once, immediately
become sore, fester, become inflamed, become erosive, erosion
The skin has become sore from the burn.
have genital sores
have a sore on one's right leg
The bedsore has begun to fester.